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Everything posted by shadowjack

  1. I believe most minerals come from food, not water so there is no concern on that front. If it bothers you, drink a glass of mineral water. I use water for cooking and drinking from my reverse osmosis filter, which has very low TDS (total dissolved solids) and is the same to distilled water in that respect. BTW rain water is effectively distilled water (but has nasties from polluted atmosphere, so I would not use it if you live in city). If you concern is microbial contamination, store opened bottle in fridge and boil before/after use.
  2. Synthetic vitamin E and "natural" one are not the same, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tocopherol#Synthetic_all-racemic Yes, it has lower potency, but not by much.
  3. Tramontina professional master series are good for the price. Not too pretty, but functional.
  4. I'm using MAXIM DS18B20 digital temperature sensor. Manufacturer's spec is +- 0.5C from -10 to +85 C (range is up to 125C). Resolution 1/16 C. Waterproof probe with this sensor costs around 2.5$, but you need microcontroller to read out temperature. I have 3 of them. Two farthest apart have 0.6C difference. I think I'll periodically check them against each other. Then I need quick readout, I use infrared thermometer - instant, no contact, very high maximum temp (I think 500C on my model).
  5. Hello all! First of all, thank you for all information gathered it these threads. I learned so much, mostly important food safety protocols and guidelines. I'v made my SV setup myself. I used 1kW bucket hater for heat source, beer can for should so it would not melt container and bags, small submersible pump for circulation, MAXIM/DALLAS DS18B20 digital temperature sensor, Arduino for control board and mechanical relay. So far I'm satisfied with performance, and I can control every detail of algorithm as I coded it myself. Bonus feature is that board can control multiple bathes at different temperatures. I'm planning to add Bluetooth module to control it with my phone - I think it would be nice with presets and timers.
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