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Posts posted by BigDuck

  1. I keep mine in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks, then if I see I'm not using it quick enough to keep it from drying out I stick it in the freezer. You can just pull it out and grate it frozen. Keeps its flavor. My mother-in-law minces it, and freezes it on a cookie sheet in teaspoonfuls, then ziplocs it. Too much effort!

  2. Kichadi or mung dal & rice is my hasband's big craving when he isn't well. I have to make it by the vat!

    Mung dal is what my dad is having.

    Khicadi is the other thing he enjoys.

    How do you make yours?

    Khicadi is the other thing he enjoys.

    How do you make yours?

    Simple, simple, simple. That seems to be his family's favorite way with kichadi when they are ill.

    For 3-4:

    1 cup rice

    1 cup mung dal

    5 cups water

    3/4 tsp. turmeric

    1 1/2 tsp. salt

    Rinse rice and dal very well. Put all ingredients in a pressure cooker, and cook for 20 minutes. Sometimes some water needs to be added.

    For the mung dal, I just cover it with water, add several slices of ginger, and turmeric. I add water, if necessary, to get the right consistency. Then salt when tender. I make a vaghar of oil, cumin seed, and a little red chili.

  3. What was your family food culture when you were growing up?

    Definitely Southern...however my mother was extremely adventurous, trying Chinese, many Italian, and a lot of made up dishes.

    Was meal time important?

    My father worked odd hours and we ate when he got home. Regardless of the time. I was always given a "snack" if he wasn't home by 5:30Was cooking important?

    What were the penalties for putting elbows on the table?

    Both of my parents were quite strict about table manners. In fact, when I was 4 yrs. old, I asked at a relative's house "who's birthday is it" because they had candles on the table! Ever after, we had formal, candlelight dinners every Friday night.

    Who cooked in the family?


    Were restaurant meals common, or for special occassions?

    Very, we went out a couple of times a week. Usually for Chinese or Italian.

    Did children have a "kiddy table" when guests were over?

    Only when we visited relatives, never at our house.

    When did you get that first sip of wine?

    I drank wine (watered down) at most meals.

    Was there a pre-meal prayer?

    Only if we were at my maternal grandmother's.

    Was there a rotating menu (e.g., meatloaf every Thursday)?

    No, my mother was much more adventurous than that.

    How much of your family culture is being replicated in your present-day family life?

    It's just my husband and me, but we eat together at lunch and dinner, and I am even more adventurous than my mother!

  4. What really gets me is that smokers believe that they have some intrinsic right to smoke in public.  Well, you don't, and this law is but the first step in making the world outside of our homes completely smoke free.

    I firmly believe that smoking in public is tantamount to a civil battery when second hand smoke comes into contact with a nonsmoker who has not consented to having smoke blown over them.  It is the same thing if I took an airhorn and blew it in your ear at close range -- and that IS an actionable tort.

    Smoking is an activity that affects all others around the smoker in a way that eating, drinking, and talking do not.  It deserves to be banned in all public spaces.

    Oooooh! A little radical?! As in kill them all, these scum of the earth addicted? In response, I quote Sharon Stone in a movie where she was asked whether or not she knew second-hand smoke killed. Her reply,"not quickly enough."

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