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  1. I'd also like to recommend the Good Housekeeping Cookbook that is in the form of a binder so you can remove and add pages. It sounds like your biggest concern is giving them something they will really use, which is so nice. My mom gave this to me when I moved out on my own, and I use it at least twice a month. It has measurement and conversion charts, and recipes for the simplest things that most cookbooks assume you already know, like the temperature and time it takes to roast everything, and even explains different types of meat. It's the book I pull out when I'm in the mood to cook but not to go shopping for any more ingredients, I can always find something that requires only what I already have in my pantry. It has fancier recipes, too, and covers everything from main courses, side dishes and desserts, to candy, cakes and drinks. I also like the idea that I can add pages to it as I expand my own repertoire, as they can do together as the years pass. It's become the filing cabinet for all of the scribbled down recipes I tend to accumulate. It may not be the most visually stunning book you can get, but I proudly keep it out on my own counter. Enjoy the wedding, and good luck with the gift!
  2. Cecil

    Fromage a Trois

    Just three? really sharp cheddar any goat cheese gorgonzola I've never met a cheese I didn't like, with the exception of those wanna-be cheeses, cottage cheese and ricotta, but I think perhaps I'm turned off by the texture before I even get to the taste. After all this time, I still have not been able to convince my boyfriend that cheese, a few olives and some bread is a meal. I'm assuming anyone who takes the time to answer a favorite cheese poll can understand!
  3. Should I count the instructions on the box of my Easy Bake Oven that told me how much water to add to the packet of cake mix? Otherwise, it would have been my mom's copy of Betty Crocker's Cooking for Two that she received as a wedding gift. By the time I was 16 I had memorized the recipe for apple pie that I've been making every year at Thanksgiving. I have yet to try an an apple pie I like better. Another old standby is the recipe for "One-Egg Cake," also from my mom's 1970's paperback edition of The Joy of Cooking. I can always find at least one egg to whip up a cake at a moment's notice. I'm already on my way to a respectable library of cookbooks in just the few years since I've moved out of my parents home.
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