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Anonymous Modernist 15027

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Everything posted by Anonymous Modernist 15027

  1. I just got an answer from Tefal. They say that the model that I have reach 1,5 bar. The recipes in Modernist Cuisine always use a pressure cooker with 1bar/15psi. So what shall I do to get the same results with 1.5bar.
  2. There are 3 settings. But none indicates how much pressure is beeing created in the cooker. the lowest setting is the setting for releasing pressure. the second setting has a picture of vegetables on it and should be not as strong as the 3rd setting which has the picture of a grilled chicken on it. But no idea which setting creates how much pressure. Any ideas? Does the pressure cooker you use only have one setting? And how do you know that it is 15 psi?
  3. I always shake when it comes to pressure. Like I said. The lid of the pressure cooker indicates that it goes up to 20 psi. Is that to high? And if yes how can I compensate? reduce cooking time?
  4. I just saw that on the lid of the pressure cooker it says 140kPa, which translates to about 1.4 bar or about 20psi. So is it possible that there is to much pressure?
  5. Thanks. I couldn't find anything about the operating pressure in the instruction book. But I will write them an e-mail. Maybe Tefal can tell me. I always turn down the heat to the minimum as soon as pressure is up. With how much water can I compensate? Any other way I can compensate?
  6. Hello Everyone. I just tried the Pizza Sauce from Modernist Cuisine At Home and it was a disaster. I did exactly what was said in the recipe. Basically the same recipe as the Marinara sauce but just leaving out the vegetables and starting with garlic and olive oil. After 45 minutes in the pressure cooker it all was just burned at the base of the pressure cooker. I had a similar situation with a Heston Blumenthal recipe where you had to put cherry tomatoes on the vind with a little water in the pressure cooker and it also got burned to the base of the cooker. Basically I can throw everything away. What went wrong? 45 minutes in the pressure cooker seems very long to me. Also gauge pressure of 1 bar means nothing to me. I have a standard Tefal pressure cooker with 3 settings. I have absolutely no idea what gauge pressure that thing gets inside. Basically when the thing starts piping I reduce the heat and start timing. What did I do wrong? Any help is very much appreciated.
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