My wife and I made the soup this afternoon: Heaven! Outdid our expectations. (This is after my wife opined that carrot soup would be "boring".) We followed the recipe exactly, as we always do with a new recipe. Including making the carotene butter, coring the carrots (even though my wife whined), and melting the butter in the pressure cooker (before making the soup I read every post here about it). Used Whole Foods carrot juice and regular store-bought carrots. Couldn't be happier: deep, rich, sweet carrot flavor. Going to serve it to friends on NY Eve. And later next year I will use fresh carrots from the Raleigh, NC, farmer's market. One thing. The recipe yielded only 3 cups and not the 6 that MCAH indicated. Any ideas why? We are experienced cooks and I believe we followed the recipe exactly as written. Any tips would be appreciated.