@LFMichaud Thanks for the reply. Indeed the links are excellent and I'll use them as a reference in the future.
Glad also you like the blog. It's a new experience for me but it's been very fun so far. It's funny that when you go public with anything, there is always someone out there that takes offense on something I did or say, like in the Activa situation, or previously with the upcoming foie gras ban in California. I should know better not to engage into arguments with everybody, but I can't stand ignorance in any form (I'll gladly change my mind if I'm proven wrong too)…
I fixed the Salas Arts liks so hopefully they'll work fine now…
Enjoy the fennel dish! I've made it a few times since I discovered it…
@Paul Kierstead. Thanks a lot also for the reply. This is very interesting indeed. May be the reason why I could not find any references either! I'll keep digging and I'll post what I find. And regarding this twitter comments, no, not really harmful to me, but I hate that there is so much misinformation out there, so whenever I have the chance to clarify something to anybody (if I have the time) I'm always happy to do it... Cheers.