Thanks for reminding me of the section on brining turkey because I was planning to use the MC discussion on roasting a chicken in a combi oven. At the moment, I have just injected a chicken as a test for a turkey with a 5 percent brine equal to 5 percent of the weight of the chicken. I am using apple and oak pellets in a perforated basket in a gas Weber barbecue adjusting the temperature to 250 F with a pan of water for humidity.
Here in Michigan with the temperature staying at about 36 F, the chicken took 3 1/2 hours to get to 161 F. But, it was quite tasty though the skin, as expected, was touch. Even though I injected the chicken breast just before putting it on the grill, the texture of the breast meat was too soft --- it lost some of its texture. I'm not sure if the solution is to use a higher or possibly even a lower concentration of salt. A few years ago Harold McGee had a column in the NYTimes in which he said that the trade-off with brining is that the texture of the meat changes.
Please let me know if you discover anything interesting with your experiment.