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Anonymous Modernist 2826

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Everything posted by Anonymous Modernist 2826

  1. Humm... That makes sense.... So this means that i should dispose the leftovers that i have frozen for later, thinking that somehow the freezing would get rid of that smell..... I'll have to try it again though, first time that i was disappointed at my SV..... :0( Thanks Louis-Frederic!!
  2. Hi, i have cooked 6 lamb shoulders with bone for 72 Hours at 56 C and the result was not that good... The meat was super tender and juicy and with the right pinkish color however there was a strange sent though.... Not sure if from the garlic that might have been trapped for too long? Or the rosemary that was a bit dry.... I only vacuum sealed the lamb with butter, garlic, bayleaf, rosemary and thym. What might have happened??
  3. Hello! The exact same thing happened to me (the burning and spending quite some time cleaning the pressure cooker episode, I mean)! I wonder if it was due to the size of the PC and quantity used in the recipe…. I will wait for more feedback here before I attempt to do it again…
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