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Anonymous Modernist 1214

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Everything posted by Anonymous Modernist 1214

  1. There was plenty of liquid, but with a consistency of grainy flour paste. I think that the bromelian worked too well, and much of the meat dissolved. Not attractive.
  2. I’ve tried this, with less desir­able results. I used a beef chuck roast, cut off most the fat, about 1kg. Sliced across the grain, about 1cm thick. Sprinkled meat with 1cap­sule of NOW brand brome­lain. Vac packed, cooked at 53C with poly­science cir­cu­la­tor. The result was meat mush. Much of the meat broke down into a mahogany col­ored paste. The taste was fine, very savory, but the tex­ture (and color) was dis­gust­ing (and I have a strong stom­ach). Any ideas what hap­pened? I have checked the temp with a lab ther­mome­ter, less than .1C off. The brome­lain from NOW foods was fresh; just opened container.
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