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Anonymous Modernist 817

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Everything posted by Anonymous Modernist 817

  1. wouldn´t been nice if you had writen " the butter is heated to 90°C to evaporate its water, then the temperature is raised to 120°C to brown the milk solids." ?????
  2. Hi Max, Isn´t easier to wirte which temperature the butter should be then use the term low heat. Temperatures are precis.
  3. Is it possible for anyone to answer this question about the term low heat. I think it´s remarkable to use this term in a scientific book.
  4. I´m quite curious when it´s writen low heat in cookbooks. What does that mean. I have never understood this. And when i was reading in the modernist cuisine about clarified butter. In the text about Ghee it says "To make ghee, contiune to warm the melted butter over low heat for 45 min." Can someone please tell me wich temperature low heat are? I think it quite suprising that the authers write in this way in this of scienice based book.
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