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Anonymous Modernist 502

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Everything posted by Anonymous Modernist 502

  1. as far as juicers go my dream is a Norwalk.http://www.norwalkjuicers.com/
  2. i like a thick layer to get a nice crunch as well. if you hold the ramikin in your hand( just be carefull, your torch is hot!)and slowly melt the sugar in the top left handquarter of the brullee,rotating your torch in small circualsjust till tje sugarruns and turn the ramikin clock wise, you can get a nice thick layer thats not burned at all!! it takes practice i have done side by side tests of sugars and sugar mixes and ratios of those mixes i like a 50/50 mix of raw sugar and regular sugar (iwould premix andthrow inmy spent vanilla beans)
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