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Richard Kilgore

eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Posts posted by Richard Kilgore

  1. I see that the linked site also recommends the Pur 3-stage horizontal faucet mount. While the flow rate is not as fast through the filter as it is when the filter is by-passed, it's a lot faster and more convenient than a filter pitcher. No leaks on mine. The third stage is important, because it puts selected minerals into the water, those important to the taste. I can tell a difference compared to water out of my Britta pitcher. I'll have to use it more to tell how much of a difference it makes when used for tea.

    I'll report back when I have used this for a month or two. The 3-stage filter itself is advertised as good for 100 gallons, compared to 40 gallons for the pitcher's filter, so it costs a little over twice as much as the pitcher filter. The prices on that site for the fixture with one filter are way high. They say $49, but mine cost $30 at WAL-MART.

  2. The last couple of days I have been drinking the Organic Kumamoto Sencha Yabe Supreme featured in the recent Tea Tasting & Discussion here in the forum. Have not decided what else to brew today - perhaps another aged TGY Oolong.

    What's in your tea cup, mug or thermos today?

    I brewed three infusions of a Korean green tea that Wholemeal Crank sent me (thanks!) in a tea trade. My first session with it went well, and I'll post more about it after doing a few more sessions with it.

    Followed this up with a re-brewing of the Aged TGY Oolong from The Cultured Cup: details in the Oolong topic.

  3. Yesterday I tried re-brewing one of the above Aged TGY Oolongs, the one from jingteashop.com. This time I did it with a higher leaf:water ratio - 2 g to one ounce water instead of 1.5 g.

    Much improvement in an already tasty aged Oolong. This appears to be the sweet spot for this one. I'll try the other two over the next week or so and report back to see if I can get a similar improvement.

    I re-brewed the Norbutea.com aged Oolong this evening and it is also improved by brewing at the higher ratio, but not sure if these parameters are the sweet spot. Like the third infusion the best.

    Tonight I re-brewed the aged TGY from The Cultured Cup as I did the other two above, and it benefits from the higher ratio, at least for my tea taste buds. This one is more delicate at the lower ratio and richer at the higher. Liked the third infusion best. All of these were flash rinsed with a 30 sec rinse and then brewed at 205 F (96 C).

    Having done this, you may enjoy some different set of parameters best for these teas. The aged Oolongs may be a little different to brew, but I think they are interesting and worth a little effort in getting to know the leaf.

  4. I received a couple of Korean green teas in a tea trade with Wholemeal Crank. Korean teas are much, much harder to find in the West, compared to Chinese and Japanese teas. Does anyone have web sources for Korean tea? I am primarily interested in the green teas, but am open to whatever.

  5. I have not yet sprung for a Berkey, but did get an inexpensive Pur 3-stage faucet mount. Easy installation - took me about 10 - 15 minutes to do it. Too late for tea tonight, but I did compare it to the Britta pitcher and can tell the difference. I'll have more to say after using the Pur filtered water to brew with a few times.

    Does anyone else use this simple solution?

  6. Started the day with the smooth Vithanakanda Estate, FOP. Later the Organic Kumamoto Sencha Yabe Supreme featured in the current Tea Tasting & Discussion - this time in a tiny 2 ounce Japanese Hagi teapot. And then this evening one of the organic houjichas from yuuki-cha - the Kumamoto Yabe Houjicha.

    BTW, one more free pu-erh sample available for the new Tea Tasting & Discussion in this eG Coffee & Tea forum.

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