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Richard Kilgore

eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Posts posted by Richard Kilgore

  1. Started the day with the Mariage Freres Queen Victoria - second flush Darjeeling from The Cultured Cup. Later had a few infusions of the Organic Kumamoto Sencha Yabe Supreme from yuuki-cha.com that is featured in the current Tea Tasting & Discussion. I had ordered this once before, which is one of the reasons I selected this smooth, sweet, creamy sencha for the TT&D.

  2. I really like your Korean celadon set, WmC. Attractive and practical. That may work well for gyokuro, as well as sencha, depending on the size. What's the capacity? The cup, though looks much too small for matcha. What are the dimensions?

  3. The free samples of this Lemon Myrtle Rooibos from The Cultured Cup are now available to all members of the eGullet Society whether or not you have received a sample in the past or are receiving one currently. There are up to three samples available to members. Please PM me now, after reviewing the first post, if you are interested in receiving one of these samples.

  4. Started the day with an Organic Uji Tokusen Sencha from yuuki-cha.com. I don't recommend keeping sencha this long, but this is still a pleasant green tea when brewed in a manner that the tea leaves like. Four nice infusions.

    So what teas are you all brewing in your part of the world today?

    Now starting a session (using a gaiwan) of a Pouchong Oolong from The Cultured Cup. First time I have brewed it, so more later in the Oolong topic.

  5. Started the day with an Organic Uji Tokusen Sencha from yuuki-cha.com. I don't recommend keeping sencha this long, but this is still a pleasant green tea when brewed in a manner that the tea leaves like. Four nice infusions.

    So what teas are you all brewing in your part of the world today?

  6. This morning I also had a Dian Hong Imperial from Norbu Tea, but I think this was the 2008. Also one of my favorite red teas.

    Later drinking the last of my Shui Jin Gui, also a Norbu tea, featured in the current Tea Tasting & Discussion. I really enjoy the third infusion the best.

    No green tea of any sort today, but tomorrow's another day.

  7. Thanks to everyone for your careful tasting notes and discussion around them. Your notes show again that the aroma and taste of tea, like wine, is an individual thing, even though there are many commonalities.

    A few miscellaneous comments and questions:

    Chris, your use of aroma cups seemed to be helpful. Do you think you could detect aromas better than without them?

    Looks like the metallic quality characteristic of Wuyi "rock" or "cliff" Oolongs may have solved a mystery for you, LuckyGirl.

    Chris noted a lack of a floral aroma in the Da Hong Pao. I think this is due to it being high roasted rather than highly oxidized. A less roasted version likely would have a little more floral and little less fruity character. In contrast, a DanCong may have higher oxidation, but low/no roasting and be characteristically very floral.

    I have been drinking these Oolongs a number of different ways, and so far like them the best brewed gongfu cha in a small Yixing with a higher leaf:water ratio, from 1.5 - 2.0 per ounce of water. They have 5 good infusions, at which point I have stopped, though I might be able to get another 1 - 3 out of all but the Ban Tian Yao. All of you apparently liked the Da Hong Pao and Shui Jin Gui more than the Ban Tian Yao and that is true for me too. Two days ago I thought I preferred the Shui Jin Gui, but now I think it varies day to day, probably depending on subtle differences in the way I brew.

    Any conclusions or thoughts on these three?

  8. The free samples of Lemon Myrtle Rooibos from The Cultured Cup are still available and reserved for members who have never received a free sample before in one of the Tea Tasting & Discussions. Until February 28th. After that they will be available also to those who have participated previously.

    Send me a PM if you are interested in a free sample of this Rooibos.

  9. After overnighting in the Yixing, the ripe pu-erh from yesterday became a morning mug of tea made up of two infusions.

    I have also been brewing the Organic Uji Gyokuro Gokou from yuuki-cha.com. Multiple infusions in an older Japanese teapot, much like we do with Chinese teas in gaiwan and Yixings. Each infusion a little different, and I am enjoying the balance between the vegetal baby asparagus note and sweetness on the third infusion the best. I'll try two more.

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