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Richard Kilgore

eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Posts posted by Richard Kilgore

  1. I leave mine out in the open, right side up, with the lid off for 24 hours before putting the lid back on. I do shake a pot upside down before putting it out to dry. Have never had mold.

    I know some people leave them upside down and like the results, but my guess is that this can trap moisture, rather than allowing it to evaporate. A cupboard may also block the air flow.

  2. A huge thanks to Greg Glancy at Norbu Tea for supplying the samples of this interesting 2009 Lao Ban Zhang Mao Cha Raw Pu-erh. And many thanks to cdh, LuckyGirl and Wholemeal Crank for making this one of the most interesting discussions we have had in the TT&Ds.

    I will say that this is the best young raw pu-erh I have had. Not that I have had hundreds of pu-erhs, but a few dozen and enough for me to put it at the top of my personal list.

    A new TT&D from The Cultured Cup is in progress (only one sample left), and another organic Japanese green tea from yuuki-cha is coming in a few weeks. If you subscribe to the Coffee & Tea forum, you'll be among the first to know when a new TT&D is announced.

  3. jingsteashop in china.

    ordered several samples and small 25g batches to try: looking for my perfect roasted oolong, fruity oolong and puerh.

    1998 Raw Feng Qing Tuo

    1999 Raw 7352

    puerh tea cooked 93MHgr

    Feng Huang Milan Dancong AAA

    Competition Shui Xian

    Mao Xie

    Shui Jin Gui

    Thanks! I have had their Milan DanCong AAA. Very nice.

  4. Kyle Stewart at The Cultured Cup is providing free samples of two Chinese white teas for this Tea Tasting & Discussion, the second comparative tasting we have done. I will mail up to three sets of two 10 gram samples of the teas to members of the eGullet Society.

    Here are the two Chinese white teas. Please follow the links for more information on each of these teas and for initial brewing suggestions.

    Pai Mu Tan (White Peony)

    Yin Zhen (Silver Needles)

    The sets of two free samples are available to members who ---

    1) will do at least two brewing sessions from each sample, varying the brewing parameters,

    2) will report on their experience and participate actively in the discussion within ten days of receiving the samples, and

    3) who have previously posted at least twenty-five (25) substantive posts (simply questions, answers, comments that add to discussions) in the Coffee and Tea forum.

    As always, everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate in the discussion, whether or not you receive a sample.

    As I have mentioned in other topics, I have known Kyle Stewart, co-owner of The Cultured Cup, for some time now, having bought tea from his shop for many years, at least 10 years I believe it is. For the past four years or so Kyle has been instrumental to my tea education through the T-Bar Club at The Cultured Cup. And I have reciprocated by doing presentations on Yixing tea pots and on Japanese Wabi-Sabi style teaware for the T-Bar Club.

    Kyle attended the World Tea Expo in Las Vegas last summer and completed his three years of training with the Speciality Tea Institute to become the first Certified Tea Specialist in Texas and one of only 32 in the world. I have had many pleasant times with Kyle and his staff, trading teas and sharing new tea discoveries. More than just a tea merchant I happen to buy tea from, Kyle is a culinary friend as well as a tea friend - the wonderful tea pairings at Sharon Hage's York Street restaurant and a shared interest in Asian food.

    While the tasting is open to all members who have posted at least twenty-five (25) substantive posts in the eG Coffee and Tea forum, preference will be given until midnight (EDST) Friday, May 7, 2010, to those who have, in addition, not participated in the last two tastings.

    Please PM me now if you would like to receive one of the the free samples and participate in this Tea Tasting and Discussion.

  5. Light tea days the past few. But good.

    Starting today, as I have the past two or three, with the Castleton Estate, Wiry Darjeeling from Tea Source, one of my favorite Darjeelings. And have been working on finishing the bag of Oganic Kagoshima Sencha Saemidori from yuuki-cha before my first shincha order comes in. I should finish it off later today.

    So what teas are you all drinking today in your part of the eGullet Society universe?

  6. Started the morning here with two bowls of matcha from yuuki-cha: the Organic Shizuoka Matcha Iroka.

    BTW, Dan at yuuki-cha and I are working on another Tea Tasting & Discussion featuring one of this year's shincha. If you subscribe to this Coffee & Tea forum, you'll be among the first to know when the free samples are announced.

    So, what's in your tea cup/mug/thermos today?

  7. Akso today, more of the Oganic Kagoshima Sencha Saemidori from yuuki-cha in a Banko kyusu. Trying to brew most of the bag before my first shincha order arrives.

    Now starting a gong fu cha session with a wondrous Feng Huang Dan Cong Shi Gu Ping Oolong. Last of a sample I got from jingteashop.com in 2008. Orchid, honey. Should. have. bought. more.

  8. WmC, you may like the Keemun brewed Western style: 2.0 - 2.5 g per 6 - 8 ounces of boiling water for 2 - 3 minutes first infusion.

    Starting out the morning here with the Sree Sibari Estate Assam from Tea Source that was featured in a Tea Tasting & Discussion last year. Wonderful, but my last bit of it.

    What teas are you all drinking this weekend in your part of the world?

  9. Later brewed, yes yet again, the Oganic Kagoshima Sencha Saemidori from yuuki-cha in a Banko kyusu. Had my first iced tea of the year with lunch out. And now sipping a Taiwanese Pouchong Oolong from The Cultured Cup - brewed gong fu cha in a gaiwan. Very busy day, so missed my matcha, but otherwise a good tea day here.

  10. Brewed yesterday's left-over-night Spring 2009 Diamond Grade Tie Guan Yin, from Norbu Tea. Still fragrant. Later moved on to the Organic Shizuoka Matcha Iroka, a really interesting new matcha from yuuki-cha.com. Now sipping the Oganic Kagoshima Sencha Saemidori, also from yuuki-cha. Both the sencha and the matcha are brewer-friendly.

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