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  1. Yalla Yalla is perfect if you are looking for comfort food though some of the dishes are overpriced. As far as mailing order is concerned, both Delices and Gourmandises and Donald Russell are reliable indeed but when you went on ordering something online, you must always deal with the order process which is simple. You just have to complete the order form and send it to the company given adresses, you can use your email. You'll have to wait for 2 or 3 days for the delivery, it also depends on the delivery sytem of each company.
  2. I've been hearing that using an instant-read thermometer really help, have you ever tried it?
  3. I enjoy the quick and easy one since my children have cravings very often; however I avoid excess. The last one I prepare were : - Butter pecan fudge - Maple candy - Caramel nut candy I sometimes make classic candy but the children prefer chocolates like the one in the picture.
  4. Thanks a lot Allura for this useful information. You’re right saying that most doctors don’t often give tips; they are just here to check your insulin rate and the effort you’ve made during the day. It’s important for diabetic people to know some recipes if not all; however we just have to limit ourselves.
  5. Thanks for advices and suggestions; they all were really helpful Ozcook, Mjx, and diggingdogfarm. I found lots of diabetic recipes and easy to make ones. As far as the book “Victory over diabetes” the health publishing company is concerned Ammy, I haven"t the book yet but so far it sounds very interesting. I wish it will help.
  6. Hi everybody, I’ve been diagnosed as diabetic few weeks ago therefore I had to follow a strict diet though I do not know much about cooking and foods. I discovered this forum recently by a friend and I was wondering if someone can help me. I really have to change my lifestyle. Some helps would be appreciated,
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