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  1. What I found worked very well are 2 recipes from the isi wed side, the kumara sponge cake worked really well, regrettably the recipe is in German, but please try it anyway http://www.isi.com/fileadmin/Professional/Products/GourmetWhip/De/Teaser/DE_iSi_RH_profi_espuma.pdf The other recipe from isi is for brioche, it’s in video form and works And what I found this morning and will try next weekend is https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/543696_272036092933408_1683065689_n.jpg Oh if you really want perfect results pick up a copy of Modernist Cuisine at home and hopefully you live in the USA as you´ll need Wondra which is very difficult to acquire outside of the US. Paul
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