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  1. never had it, but saw on another forum a reference to Alaga Yellow Syrup. apparently a regional delicacy down south. here in Merryland all seafood must be accompanied by Old Bay seasoning. distinctive yellow can.
  2. I think AB is great. prefer him to the regular 'chairman' (big downgrade from the original Japanese IC Chairman). I didn't think he was too snarky. anyone else remember his 'scrap iron chef' from the original Good Eats? classic. imho.
  3. I also read this. very good. would love an extended food sample trip sometime, preferably by train. I highly recommend this book Taste of War: World War II and the Battle for Food outstanding account of food in WWII, specifically in England, Germany, USA, USSR and Japan. what was eaten, government policy, military rations. some real horror stories. several times the Japanese lost more troops to hunger (and related malnutrition etc) than battle losses.
  4. not a cookie eater used to like Archway. I see they're still on the internet, no idea if in local stores will take a look next trip to market
  5. I got church. after I think I'll treat self to wings and fries from the Chinese takeout. (maybe a salad at home) (psGoEagles)
  6. Tyson and other poultry companies accused of price collusion https://www.cnbc.com/2018/01/31/chicken-suppliers-fall-amid-allegations-of-collusion.html ***Food suppliers US Foods and Sysco have initiated separate lawsuits accusing numerous large poultry suppliers of colluding to manipulate wholesale chicken prices, The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday. The two companies, which are the largest food suppliers to U.S. restaurants in the country, alleged that the poultry processors, including Tyson Foods, Pilgrim's Pride and Sanderson Farms, have artificially limited supplies and inflated prices for years, according to the report.*** well...this doesn't sound good any insider info here? (hope this is the right forum for this content)
  7. "Grizzly Bear; an animal sometimes eaten by man, and vice versa." Waverly Root
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