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Suvir Saran

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Everything posted by Suvir Saran

  1. Tony you have said all that needs to be said. Thanks!
  2. You raise some very poignant and important questions. You may have hit the nail in the head. What is also important to know though is that it is not sheer bias that will keep it (authentic sub-continental restaurant getting Michelin stars) from happening, but also bad management and a lack of vision in the part of owners and managers. But you are so right.
  3. I hope you too will share all your thoughts with us on eGullet as you read. Thanks for your kind words.
  4. You are too kind.... Thanks for the idea NewYorkTexan. Do share with us as you find any interesting threads... You should post on the relevant threads... and feel free to revive old discussions.. add your thoughts.. and question each of us... It is a great way of learning... Far better than what one can get even after reading a book..... It is amazing what sites like eGullet can do to food. I have learned so much at the cooking forum on eGullet. It is amazing to see how much people know here. Have fun in your reading about Indian food.... Looking forward to hearing about your take on things...
  5. Chicken in Indian Cooking Indians love Chicken more than most any other non-vegetarian food. Each home cooking chicken has numerous recipes.
  6. Matar Paneer - Famous Indian dish, tasty at restaurants, magical when cooked at home
  7. Chaunka/Baghaar/Tadka - The art of tempering oils to add flavor to dishes
  8. Chutneys - They are a very important part of an Indian meal. Used for the flavor as also texture.
  9. Raita (yogurt based sauced), often used to cool the palate
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