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Suvir Saran

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Everything posted by Suvir Saran

  1. Ditto! The kitties are most adorable.
  2. I think he meant this kind of faggot: edible faggot Wetback me was worried he meant some other kind. Thanks for clarifying. You know we Indians love Ghee (Indian CLARIFIED butter).
  3. I seem to recall some very positive posts here when some members first had one. I found it delcious, but would agree with Wilfrid that it's just not the kind of dish that draws me to a restaurant. Curiosity and the need to know, was what made me order one in the first place. I was surprised I enjoyed it as much as I did. It seemed more like a gimmick than a serious creation. After having it, I thought of it as more of a famous chef's folly (not as in foolish thing, but as in an architectural folly sense or an amusement) than gimmick or serious creation. This, from May 1st from a member who's no fan of Daniel, was not atypical of reactions: Bux, always the generous one.
  4. I think they may be already printed.... I am sure they will be special no matter what the content. From reading Yvonnes posts, I feel I can imagine being charmed by the tags...
  5. Klicken zie hier. So, I guess these can't be picked up frozen at Shop Rite? You are being Blasphemous. Irreverent. If I were you, I would be very very scared.
  6. What is that meant to be??
  7. Klicken zie hier. Thanks for the link. What a delicious picture.
  8. I have not tried the burger.. But would want to agree with you... But I should be mute until I try it. Your points make great sense. And I LOVE foie gras.
  9. We did the full 8 pounds of tomatoes and even Davy can't eat all of that. And how did the canning go?
  10. Is the bun Fleur de Lys shaped?
  11. Excerpt from my cookbooks Vegetable chapter.. "If legumes are the backbone of Indian cuisine, then vegetables are its heart. Over 50 percent of Indian households are vegetarian for religious or cultural reasons, and some by economic necessity. Even non-vegetarian households eat far more vegetables than meat, which they may eat only three to four times a week. It’s not surprising that the art of cooking vegetables has reached its zenith in Indian culture and I think that India has some of the best vegetarian cuisine in the world. So this chapter makes up about one quarter of the book’s recipes."
  12. Thanks! I should accept the compliment quickly. Before the tide changes. You are being very kind...... I have enjoyed your posts when they are about food and food related thoughts.... But that is true about all our posts.. Mine included. Food is what we are here for.. and food brings us all together.. It is that magic that food has....
  13. Mike, If vegetarian food is your focus, Indian food shall do you proud. Do not hesitate to ask us in this forum any questions you may have. A very large group of very generous and very helpful members frequent it and between all of them and me, we shall be happy to help you enjoy your new journey into the world of vegetarian food. I doubt it that they use curry powder in the Sev package... But certainly they have many of the same spices that are added to curry powder mixes. Thanks for your very kind words. I enjoy learning from members such as yourself that are kind enough to share their experiences.... It makes food both a tasty and meaningful treat. I am vegetarian by birth, and for the first 25 years of my life ate nothing but veggies... And even today, I am 99.5 % vegetarian. It would be a pleasure for me to share with you what I know of vegetarian diets and Indian food. So please feel free to ask anything you may want to... The worst that can happen would be a no response from me but a cry for help from others.... If you are up for that.. I am.... Always fun to enjoy learning with someone else... I learn something new every day that I spend time on eGullet. It is really a great community to be part of.
  14. I am guessing Tikka is a way of saying Teekha.. several Indian snack food packages have incorrect spellings. Teekha means spicy. Sev are chickpea based noodle like snacks. They are eaten by themselves or even sprinkled as a garnish in many street food recipes. They also are served on certain dishes where you sprinkle them at the end to give a crunchy bite to the dish.
  15. Another reason to make a trip to SF very soon.
  16. You borrowed my words without permission.
  17. more booze. schmooze 6:30 - 7:30 PM. more booze. more schmooze. more suvir. More Tommy.
  18. I cannot wait to see how Steve enjoys his CT experience. Waiting to see if we have more to agree or disagree about.
  19. I have had them. Not for me. But I am not refined enough as many on eGullet. But also Steve I love chocolate and sweets.. and have had the good luck to have many friends in Paris and Antwerp who come to NYC often and bring me chocolates that have ruined the enjoyment of most chocolates by my palate. I can only enjoy the very best I have been used to or the very mediocre that my mind and body crave. Those are a part of my upbriging... a baggage I try to leave.. but cannot. So while Vosges is certainly better than many chocolates we find in the US, it is not my favorite. I am sorry we may have to agree to disagree. Maybe you will save some of the curry dusted chocolate for me.... We can make a trade when you get back to NYC....
  20. And I am enjoying your writing. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
  21. A strategic move on the restaurants part maybe?
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