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  1. My first post here, hello everyone! JOHA SDS2 (a sodium phosphate) -- many of the cheese recipes in the books call for this, as well as the cheese puffs recipe that is posted on the Modernist Cuisine blog. Now, find­ing any food-grade sodium phos­phate, let alone that par­tic­u­lar type is almost impos­si­ble. Until now! I sent off an inquiry to the Modernist Pantry about stocking this, and they were super-responsive in sourcing it and making it available. They now have this elusive ingredient available now in 50 gram portions. Now I can finally try the recipe from the MC blog for the cheese puffs, along with a slew of other recipes call­ing for Joha SDS2 sodium phos­phate from the books! If you need a link for the Modernist Pantry, just Google it; I don’t want to give the impres­sion that I am adver­tis­ing for them or any­thing, because I am not. I’m just try­ing to pass along the news about a source for this item that has likely eluded most of us thus far. Buen Provecho!
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