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Everything posted by Kerala

  1. Kerala

    Dinner 2022

    Howd'ya do the wings, @Ann_T ? What's that sauce? Looks lovely.
  2. Kerala

    Dinner 2022

    ... and I won't do all this for myself when everyone else needs feeding. That would feel selfish. But if the missus is doing it, and I'm just helping, and someone else is taking care of feeding the others, it seems alright. When I write it out like that, no, it doesn't seem to make sense!
  3. Kerala

    Dinner 2022

    Eracchi ularthiyathu, a very dry Kerala lamb curry. The missus made this for me with me doing a bit of chopping, slicing and spice grinding. Special treat, as she can't enjoy hot food. The lamb Sautéed red onions and curry leaves. Toasted coconut shavings Combine and serve: No vegetables, because why would she waste the effort on that when cooking curry for me? Daughter #2 made a pasta dish with tomato, cream and parmesan for the 3/5 of those dining who cannot tolerate hot curries. Good job, d#2!
  4. Kerala

    Breakfast 2022

    Omelette, chorizo, red onion.
  5. Kerala

    Breakfast 2022

    It's a knife and fork meal on two separate pieces of toast, usually with both egg and mackarel in each mouthful, followed by a slurp of hot tea.
  6. Kerala

    Breakfast 2022

    Toast, omelette and smoked mackerel, with a nice big mug of tea.
  7. Kerala

    Dinner 2022

    The sadya is a vegetarian meal. It's strictly vegetarian for religious reasons.
  8. Kerala

    Dinner 2022

    We went out last night, 10 of us, to a Kerala restaurant in Nottingham, Kayal. It's Onam festival, and I should have had the Sadya, but it's vegetarian, and I just wasn't feeling it. My Nepalese-born brother in law decided to get the Onam Sadya. No banana leaf, no Sadya, I said. The waiter was mildly appalled that I passed on the traditional Onam meal, pointing out the small strip of leaf on the plate. "Sir you made your brother in law eat the Sadya but you're cheating?" I chose the crab curry. The crab itself was from frozen, OK but not great. The sauce, though, was fabulous. Daughter #2 had the paper dosa. Lovely. Daughter #1 had chicken stew. Here's a picture of other members of my family having a proper Onam Sadya in London. Note full size banana leaves.
  9. Kerala

    Dinner 2022

    Big bbq for a load of people but this is all the pics I got. Then I was too busy so no pics. Butterflied leg of lamb, chicken thighs... I did have a monster Negroni, so I was able to get it all done with no fuss.
  10. This sounds amazing. I'll have to wait for a suitable opportunity when I'm cooking just for myself and don't have to meet people afterwards. Scaled down portions-when I first read that, I thought he was eating that at a single sitting! With a glass of a crisp Italian white like a Gavi, I'd be very happy.
  11. Kerala

    Lunch 2022

    4 minutes past ripe.
  12. Kerala

    Breakfast 2022

    Is there a hubba-hubba icon?
  13. Kerala

    Breakfast 2022

    Everything on this page looks great. @liuzhou I am most envious of yours. I get a great deal of self affirmation some mornings setting this off, acting as a time challenge while I toast bread and prepare a 2 egg omelette like this Fancied something sweet as well. Made it! Great start!
  14. Kerala

    Lunch 2022

    Half a lunch on the run...!
  15. I can't honestly say this is an actual go-to for me, as I haven't had it for many years. Firmly in the Pot Noodle category : https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B0088AHIA4/ref=cm_cr_arp_mb_bdcrb_top?ie=UTF8 I might have to sneak out and get a packet. To be consumed like this https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Flau.repository.guildhe.ac.uk%2Fid%2Feprint%2F17624%2F6%2FTo%20hide%20ones%20face%20from%20God%20Image%201.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Flau.repository.guildhe.ac.uk%2F17624%2F&docid=MUDAHGnyzqRXCM&tbnid=AEq_YIjb2dPvIM&vet=1&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim
  16. Kerala

    Breakfast 2022

    You're leaving me in the dust, @blue_dolphin The orange bits are the gelatin layer atop a shop-bought duck and orange pate.
  17. Not on school nights!
  18. So, cooking for myself for once. Lamb hearts. 2 minutes pressure cooked Then turmeric, chilli, pepper, salt, garlic powder in olive oil.Air crisp for 10 minutes at 200C. Summer meal! With a cold beer.
  19. @lemniscate at the end of the day, taste will guide you. There's no sin either way!
  20. ☝️Grilled under the... grill.
  21. Wow, @JoNorvelleWalker those sardines are almost 10 times the cost of my Sainsbury's ones here in the UK! Splashed with a little white wine vinegar and with a few flakes of salt crumbled over them, they were very nice for breakfast. Will I investigate Pinhais further? I suspect resistance will be futile!
  22. Kerala

    Breakfast 2022

    A tale of two muffins... toasted for 5 minutes in the air fryer. 4 o'clock: duck pate 2 o'clock : with a load of pepper 8 o'clock : with damson jam 10 o'clock : for the win, with chilli and garlic.
  23. Pretty simple pork ribs last night. Tomato ketchup, mustard powder, soy sauce and honey, 200C on Air Crisp in the Ninja, total cooking time 25 minutes I swapped the pieces between top and bottom trays a couple of times. With the Air Fryer there's a lot of standing around time, so I did a glaze of honey, sherry vinegar, soy sauce and ketchup on the last swap. The verdict from the family was, "delicious!" I could have reduced the total cooking time by 5 minutes and it would have been fine, down to personal preference.
  24. I think the flaw is that making the batter is the difficult part. After that, you're just making pancakes. This machine will just leave you with a lot more washing-up afterwards. I've shared the link on my family WhatsApp group to see what they make of it.
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