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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Thanks again both of you. I've done some more research and I definitely appear the have a #2 mix for a recipe that should be #1!! I think I'll still try it on the brisket, just for the sake of learning something from the process. I'll report back with my results.
  2. Hi, thanks for the replies. I will probably give this a go next week when I've sorted out what additions to make to my mix. However, I'm now slightly confused. I went to check what was in the mix so that I could better understand what to add etc. I seems the one I have contains: salt, sugar, pepper, rosemary and both E250 and E251. Lofty Notions, I think that I'm beginning to see why you don't like pre made mixes. Does this mean I'm using a #2 mix that's designed for raw eating? I must confess to having tried a tiny slice before I rolled the last one I made and it was tasty. If this is a #2 mix have, will I need to get one that only has Nitrite for my salt beef? Or should I be really brave and start blending my own?
  3. Hi, I've looked around for an answer for this question and I can't seem to find one. It's my first post in this forum, having hovered around for a while, so please be gentle with me I've finally started making my own pancetta recently, with inspiration from here. I've been using a pre-blended curing mix that I bought online at sausage making.org. The result tastes just fine but I need to work on my meat trussing skills ! I now have a reasonable supply in my fridge and freezer so won't be making any more for a few months at least. I was wondering what to do with the rest of the cure blend I have sitting in my cupboard. Could I use my cure mixture to corn some beef brisket that I have in the freezer, or should I simply buy a bespoke cure for my brisket and save the other mix for when I finally run out of pancetta? If it's ok to go with the the mix can I just add the other ingredients like coriander and the like?
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