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Posts posted by JadeShing

  1. If you are buying wine in bulk 6 bottles or more you can have the winery ship it back to your home for you. Failing that I have seen a 2 bottle hand carry wine container which you can stuff into your luggage quite nicely.

    something like this looks pretty stable;


  2. Its true, that what may seem distasteful or "ok" to you may seem great to others. Example: I had dinner at a semi famous portugese restaurant with one of my girlfriends the other day, neither of us having experienced much of this type of cuisine. While I found it quite pleasant but a bit pricey, she found it boring and didn't know "what" she was eating that was so amazing. Now they said it was slow cooked in its meats for so many hours to bring the taste out etc etc as was the description on the menu but in the end its really personal preference.

    And it seems for me the restaurants with the more open kitchens will try to sell their hi tech ultra clean kitchens as a showpiece as well as a cooking equipment :)

  3. i love watching the naan makers in the restaurants splat the uncooked stuff all over the oven walls and ceiling..

    something I would never make at home.. dried scallops..coz they smell and you need a lot of sunlight! :laugh: and you can just buy a huge pack pre dried for a pretty decent price :wub:

  4. I quickly learned that home cooking is actually very fun, when you have the time. the keyword being time, which we all seem to have less and less of.. even a master cook / home kitchen supermom will want to take a break and eat out once in a while..then those once in a whiles become more and more habitual, and soon enough everyone is at the cheese cake factory every wednesdays or something.

  5. I believe goats milk is a little bit thicker than cow's milk too, so the lactose intolerance aside, you may have to experiment with different amounts of milk inside your chowder mixture beforehand..

  6. This thread is great! I will post some of my food things from where I am in the world soon...

    For now all I have to share is a meal from a while ago (but it is quite fun!)

    Well, we have a yellow bowl with some chicken rice, on top having 2 beef balls and a japanese "wu zi" i don't know how to say it in English... then underneath a dash of spring onion

    Some soya sauce on the left and to keep your mouth from being dry, a corn and pork bone soup with bits of vermicelli on it.. o..and its a face too :)


  7. From where I am (Hong Kong), it seems like a traditional thing for younger people to be seen out on the streets late at night past midnight eating full meals which are usually dinner type items. Now I have heard a lot of different things about how it's not healthy and all but I'd like to see what other people think and do in their parts of the world? For us, it is just, we are hungry and then we must eat...

  8. I saw some of the TV footage from the earthquake in Japan and it seemed like alot of people were pouring out onto the open street from apartment blocks and what not... many of them had on a hard hat which looked like a standard issue kind of thing , its crazy to see the cameras still rolling while everything is shaking.. I hope everyone there is alright :(

  9. Wow Paul, you are really serious about your pasta making! Home made pasta always tastes the best... I had a look at the Imperial 220 myself it looks pretty good, but its not something that I would use since we never have that many people over at our house...(maybe once per year)

    Hope you get the right one for you!

  10. I guess its still better than China where they put poison in their baby mixture, causing all parents nationwide to panic and protest, but of course you're not allowed to protest in China or you get put in the tank. . .

    As long as its proven to be not harmful I suppose its okay.. course it does make you more cautious when chowing down on that filet o fish..

  11. I recently tried a one pot dish which consisted of sliced chicken breast from the freezer mixed with campbells mushroom soup, then I added some left-over steamed white rice from last nights meal in to make it more starchy.

    Had it on the simmer for about 30 mins and it tasted pretty good which was great because I went into it with kinda- low expectations :) haha.. I'll try to get a photo of this crazyness next time ^^

  12. Hi, Yes, I think that sushi restaurants do not follow this philosophy and also to the greater extent Chinese restaurants which serve sharks fins soup (extra popular at wedding banquets where they server over 500 people at once - think about how many sharks needed for that one night!! )

    Definitely not sustainable.. but is it tasty? I would say so....

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