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Norm Matthews

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Everything posted by Norm Matthews

  1. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    Out of all the things I make occasionally, empanadas are my least favorite. I have not yet been able to find those ready made wrappers and I'll keep looking because making those suckers from scratch is a real bother.
  2. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    Some of Charlie's school friends were Puerto Rican and he says one of the moms made some delicious dishes so from time to time he asks me to make some Puerto Rican version from his past. Today it was Arroz con Pollo-Chicken and Rice. He hopes I will make empanadas soon too.
  3. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    I thought I was out of eggs so I got a carton then when I got home I discovered I got a carton yesterday.. oh well I have been craving Scotch Eggs lately.
  4. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    This is the first time I have made it in such a long time that I don't remember but the recipe notes say you can make it the day before and that it is still crispy three days later. OH PS You can cut the recipe down if it is too much. The one I made was with a quarter head of cabbage. It was easy to cut the rest of the ingredients by quarters or halves.
  5. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    Ribs again. Charlie asked me to make some more since the last batch was gone so quickly. He said If I made two slabs and grill some hamburgers, that I wouldn't need to cook for a while. I am getting ready to do the hamburgers in a little bit. I made my favorite kind of coleslaw and didn't realize I had never made it when Charlie was around. He made fun of it until he tasted it. Now he thinks I should make it all the time. When I was little someone at church often brought this kind to potlucks and I always liked it better.
  6. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    I thought I posted yesterdays dinner but I don't see it. It was ribs in the smoker. They turned out really salty. I was so upset I probably forgot. I dumped out the rib rub I had made a few months ago and started over from scratch. So i did another rack today and they turned really well. I have a few theories about what went wrong but they are just guesses. Whatever went wrong that one time, at least it was only one time.(fingers crossed) The recipes are all on my blog but the potato salad recipe calls for 5 pounds and I made it with one potato so even though I used all the same ingredients I estimated the proportions. The BBQ bean recipe came form Gates BBQ restaurant and used 110 ounces of canned baked beans. I mixed all the the additional ingredients in a separate bowl, poured them into a bottle and refrigerated it so I can add just the right amount no matter what size the can of beans I use and still have more in the refrigerator for next time.
  7. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    You use it for stroganoff,,, what a great idea. One or our local stores started carrying Bucatini. I hear is hasn't been available since before the pandemic. Its Charlie's favorite pasta.
  8. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    Dinner last night was Pappardelle with Creamy Chicken Sauce. The recipe called for 7 chicken thighs but I used 4 and made up the remaining volume with mushroom caps. While I had seen this pasta on the shelf before I never paid much attention to it. Until now I didn't know there were Italian egg noodles. The side is shellie beans
  9. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    Charlie asked if I would make rice cake soup. I had not made it before but it didn't look complicated like some Korean food can be. I already had some ox bone soup in the freezer but this recipe just used water so that is how I did it. Mine was not as pretty as the picture but Charlie said his mom never added the garnishes.
  10. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    Charlie ordered New York style pizza and I made blueberry buckle.
  11. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    I made a Cajun style shrimp and rice meal. It was green bell pepper, onion and celery in a broth with shrimp, tomatoes and chicken stock, served over rice.
  12. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    I didn't want to spend time cooking so I just made steak on the grill and mashed potato cakes. I cooked one potato in the microwave and it made 4 cakes, just enough for the two of us. Charlie asked for his steak to be cut up like for skewers. He had it like at a Japanese Steak House, with rice and Yum Yum sauce and dipped the potato cakes in soy sauce. He said it reminded him of Korean cakes that way.
  13. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    Yesterday we went to a doctors appointment near our favorite Korean grocery and got some pre marinated spicy bulgogi. That was dinner but I didn't take pictures. Today's meal was Chicken and Mushroom Stroganoff. The green beans were leftover from a couple days ago and the strawberries were with angel food cake.
  14. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    Looking back since St. Patrick's day, it looks like we have been eating a lot of chicken. Both of these two were requested by Charlie. The first one is Cornish Hens baked in the oven and served with a honey, orange teriyaki style sauce. The other one is Chicken Breast Martini style... or at least it was when I started making it a couple of decades ago but I have changed it enough that a purist would probably object to my still calling it that. I coat it with grated Romano cheese and add in some panko breadcrumbs and serve it with pasta and Alfredo sauce. The original recipe is posted on my blog.
  15. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    This recipe with the silly name (Spicy Marry Me Chicken) was in the Kansas City Star a few days ago and I decided to try it today. It tastes like Italian and I served it with pasta Charlie said how much he liked this recipe three of four times during and after the meal. It had two ingredients that I could not find at the store and had to substitute. One was sun-dried tomatoes. This store had them before but not today. Another was canned-in-oil calabrian chiles. I substituted tomato paste and canned chopped jalapeño chilies. I also substituted fresh mozzarella cheese for the goat cheese. There are several goat cheeses I don't care for but I don't remember which ones and preferred not to take a chance.
  16. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    Charlie asked me if we could have our annual corned beef brisket a day early or late this year because his car club is having its monthly meeting on Sunday. He tried to tell the president that finding a quiet corner for 15 guys in a bar on St. Patricks day was unlikely but they are going ahead with the plan. I decided this morning to make it today. Along with the corned beef, I made Irish soda scones because I have a rotten record of making Irish soda bread. Also roasted cabbage wedges which looked fine in the oven until I took them out and found they were burnt on the bottom. Everything else came out well. It was Irish roast potatoes,Parsnips, carrots and rutabaga cooked in the strained beef broth after it was cooked. It may seem strange that we had Scotch eggs too but the recipe came out of an Irish Bar Food cookbook and is the best one I have ever made.
  17. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    Hen House market sometimes has some steaks on sale and so far they have always been very good. I was going to grill these yesterday but it rained all day and today it was too cold so they got cooked inside today. We had Pioneer Woman stuffed baked potatoes, a cut way down version of Ollie Gates BBQ beans and Southern Style green beans
  18. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    These are the ingredients in the recipe I used. 2 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon cornstarch, divided 1 1/2 tablespoons Shaoxing wine 1 1/2 tablespoons light soy sauce 1/4 teaspoon Chinese five-spice powder 1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil 1 large egg 3/4 cup vegetable oil, for frying 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour For the sauce 3 tablespoons ketchup 3 tablespoons hoisin sauce 3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 3 tablespoons water 2 teaspoons Chinese five-spice powder 1 teaspoon granulated sugar 1/2 teaspoon chili oil 1/4 teaspoon fine salt Cooked white or brown rice, for serving (optional) Sliced scallions, for serving (optional)
  19. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    I didn't know there was a green borscht. I suppose it isn't made with beets.
  20. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    I found a couple of small pork chops in the refrigerator that I got a couple days ago and forgot about them, so when I saw them I knew I'd cook them now before I forgot they were there again. I used a recipe titled Peking Pork Chops. They were marinated then breaded in flour and corn starch ,fried and coated in a spicy sauce. We had it with rice.
  21. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    Charlie was making mac & cheese and garlic bread from the last of some French bread while I was taking a picture of the rest of the meal: steak and corn on the grill, BBQ beans, and store salad bar salad.
  22. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    It was so nice for the last two days that yesterday I got a slab of pork ribs to cook outside today. Right after I got them prepped and in the refrigerator last night, I stepped outside to get the smoker ready and it had turned quite cold and very windy. This morning it was colder and a light coat of snow on the car. Fortunately by noon, the snow was gone and it had warmed up to the high 30's. It helped greatly that I had the thermometer my son gave me for Christmas. It let me monitor the temp. in the smoker from my phone. I never would have got that thing on my own but I have been using it a lot now.
  23. For the past few years, whenever I cook a city ham I have used Smuckers apricon preserves mixed about four parts to one part Boar's Head Brown Sugar and Spice Ham Glaze.
  24. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    I made some milk bread starting late this morning. Somewhat later couple of teens-or they might be early 20's- that Charlie is friends with and is paying to do some yard work came over. Around 4:30, he came in the kitchen and wanted to order some food for them but then asked if I could make some chicken breasts, Martini style. I figured I could if he would watch the bread in the oven. I ran to the store, he got one loaf out of the oven while I was gone and the second one came out as I was walking into the kitchen. ( they had alarm probes in them). it was over an hour later when the chicken was done along with some pasta and jarred Alfredo sauce and a mixed vegetables from the freezer dept. at the store. Charlie cut up the bread and make garlic bread with the slices. We were done eating sometime after 6 PM but it didn't think to take pictures.
  25. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    Our dinner will be Banh Mi sandwiches.
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