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Norm Matthews

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Everything posted by Norm Matthews

  1. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2025

    I gave them some sourdough bread and butter and coleslaw. The guy that Charlie invited ate enough crab for three people but there would still have been enough ribs to feed the extra people if it hadn't been pork ribs. I could easily have adjusted for them if it hadn't been at the last minute. I could have cooked the sausage separately. But I didn't know until they were there.
  2. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2025

    Tonight was the night Charlie's friend came over for a crab boil. Charlie and him have been friends since high school. Charlie explained that the trash talking was not serious, it was just the way they kid around with each other. He came over with his girlfriend and about noon he called to tell Charlie that his brother had flown in to Nebraska from Philly, bought a car and drove down to see him and he was coming with them. He and a friend came but the friend was Muslim and could not eat any of the food because it was cooked with pork. He ate some of my sourdough bread and some coleslaw. HIs brother didn't eat anything either.
  3. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2025

    Thanks. It was good. Charlie suggested having it often. I am going to start doing spinach that way from now on. A little fat and garlic: how could it not taste better?
  4. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2025

    We had coq au vin tonight. The spinach was cooked in a little oil, salt and garlic instead of just the water left on the leaves after rinsing. It was pre rinsed. Mashed potatoes were made from red potatoes with butter, salt and half-and-half.
  5. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2025

    I didn't make pork bulgogi very often when I had to cut up a roast, even a small one with a bone. It took too much time to just cut up for me to want to do it very often but now that the Korean grocery where we have started shopping has fresh pork shoulder and ribeye beef cut up perfectly for bulgogi and Charlie thinks the recipes I have found for both are the best. So it isn't such a hassle any more and both are not as much as they are at regular stores. The thing on the plate that looks like white Spam is tofu. Charlie cooked that. To me tofu is like salad: it tastes better when somebody else makes it. At first I was surprised that people even considered it food. Counter clock-wise to the tofu is fish cake. It doesn't taste like fish though.
  6. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2025

    I made a mistake when I said Charlie was making kimchi stew. He made bulgogi soup from leftovers
  7. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2025

    There was a blanket of snow on the ground when I got up and the temp. was 1º. I shoveled a path from the garage to the car and the mailbox. Then it started snowing again and has not stopped. This has been a whiter winter than usual. Instead of going out to get food, I decided to make a loaf of bread and Charlie is making some kimchi stew using beef bone broth. That will be our supper in a little bit.
  8. Or when the recipe title starts out with "The best".Also when someone presents a "Korean" recipe and their name is Pam Rogers and it had pineapple as an ingredient.
  9. I did that once. I had a big party and invited members of the city arts council for a raku party. I had a lot of different foods so one thing over cooked was not a big deal but I thought keeping the shrimp hot in liquid was a good idea. Afterwards I found the shimp entirely unaten. The raku party was for the people to decorate bisque pottery then I'd fire it quickly and it would be ready to take home right then but it rained all day... ALL day and the kiln was outside. I had to fire them another time.
  10. Staff note: This post and responses to it were split from the Dinner 2025 conversation, to maintain topic focus. My son has a friend that I have never met. They talk on the phone mostly. Charlie told me he brags about how good his BBQ cooking is. Charlie tells him that I do BBQ a lot and he thinks it is good. The other guy blows it off, like he doesn't think it is possible for an old white guy in Kansas to be able to match what he can do. Charlie said he's Puerto Rican. He asked him if I cooked anything else. Son said yes and that we had a crab boil recently. I don't know any of the details but apparently he is coming over for a crab boil with his girlfriend and they set up the date as Feb 28. He sent $30.00 to help cover the costs. When I do a crab boil for the two of us, I keep it pretty basic. I hate contests. I'd never enter a cooking competition, specially not a BBQ.one. I guess now I'll have to do a complete crab boil and if the weather is mild enough, I'll probably do a slab of ribs too. I hope he accepts that there are other people who can cook but if he says he doesn't like it, I won't care..much.
  11. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2025

    I bought everything for the recipe all at once so I could see how much it costs and my recipe ingredients cost almost $100. too. I forgot to get heavy cream and sent son to get it, so it may have been a little more. Of course I had some left over ingredients and didn't try to figure the cost minus the extra cheese, etc, that didn't go into it. I like your idea about making smaller servings. I have cut mine into individual servings and wrapped them for the freezer.
  12. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2025

    Charlie asked if I would make lasagna a few days ago. I said I'd do it the next day but forgot. Said I'd do it tomorrow and today is the day and I forgot again until he reminded me. Something else I forgot is how much active time it takes to make it. I'm getting too old to spend 3 or 4 hours at something like that without taking a break. I am about to rewrite the recipe and cut down on the amount of stuff and combine some steps in assembly and plan a way to do some of it the day before.
  13. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2025

    Charlie had some friends over tonight so I made some Korean fried chicken wings for them.
  14. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2025

    Local store has pretty good prices on crab leg clusters with their rewards card. Charlie asked if we could have it tonight.
  15. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2025

    Tonight we had shrimp, onions & garlic, and spinach with linguiine in a parmesan and cream sauce.
  16. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2025

    I saw two recipes in the newspaper today that I wanted to try. I decided to do both at the same time. I doubt most people would consider them as going together. One is a New England Clam Chowder, and the other one is a steak and salsa salad. It has some ingredients you might expect to see in a Texas taco. Either one of them alone would be a lunch and I'm going to have left over chowder tomorrow.
  17. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2025

    I had not made meatloaf in a few years and thought the weather and snow was inviting me to make one tonight.
  18. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2025

    The pocket on the side hold the scoop for taking out the rice. This is the second rice cooker for us and there are two scoops there becausse I kept the old one. The liner of the rice cooker is old style soft teflon and the scoops are nylon to protect it from scratching.
  19. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2025

    This stir-fry recipe was in the Kansas City Star today and it said the way it was made is the method Chinese restaurants use to make chicken breast tender and juicy. It involves some marinating time and a par boil before cooking the chicken. It worked and it was a good recipe. Charlie said he'd like to make a keeper. He also suggested I learn how to make Chinese style fried rice to go with it.
  20. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2025

    Before pork bulgogi entered our lives, I used to make a simple pork shoulder roast and it always was good. I don't think Charlie has ever had it that way and when I get a pork roast he always expects it to become something Korean. Yesterday I got a small roast and cooked it the way I used to without telling what dinner was until the roast was done. He really liked it. Today I made Báhn Mì sandwiches with the left overs.
  21. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2025

    Charlie asked for Korean fried chicken. We had it with rice, kimchi and pork bulgogi that was left over from a couple days ago
  22. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2025

    It has been a while since we had a fairly complete Southern New Years Day dinner because ham hocks have been really poor to non existent for a quite a while, but at a farmers market last summer I got one that was very good and it has been in the freezer until it was time to thaw it for yesterday. Black eyed peas are in the small bowl. They are in a chip dip. Collard greens and corn bread complete the meal.
  23. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    We had Vichyssois last night but I didn't take pictures. This one was taken just before I had it for lunch today. We had it hot, not cold, with an egg and ham salad sandwich.
  24. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    Charlie asked me to make some Puerto Rican chicken and rice. He gave me the recipes and I spent 3 or 4 days looking for all the ingredients and made it all today. He occasionally asks for something Puerto Rican. I suppose he got exposed to the food while he was in Seattle. If not there, I don't know where. I don't think there are very many places here in Kansas City but I could be wrong. I cooked the rice in a cast iron Dutch Oven and it got a little too browned on the bottom but I think it will all fit in our rice cooker so it should be easier next time .
  25. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2024

    I thought I'd make Steak au Poivre for dinner. So in keeping with the French name, I made French bread, used French brandy, opened a can of French cut green beans and finally brought home some French fries from McDonalds.😅
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