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Homebrew Guy

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  1. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom! "Chilled monkey brains."
  2. I've been working on cooking through Lorna Sass' Cooking Under Pressure and Pressure Perfect. This week I made a beef goulash and hummus. Some of my favorite dishes have been the fast and tasty coq au vin and chicken curry in a hurry. I also make a couple of batches of steel cut oats a week. I'm hoping to try a cheesecake this weekend. After a year of begging my wife finally relented to letting me get my pc last January and she has not regretted it. I've been the cook for the household since my son was born nearly 2 years ago and the pc has been a miracle. I've been making stocks as well, which are amazing. I'm interested in trying to make a roux. I'm a little scared of using a jar with a lid lightly tightened though. I've also really enjoyed Hip Pressure Cooking, a great blog about you know what! I'm shopping for a larger pc these days and interested in giving some canning a try. Anybody have any suggestions or tips?
  3. Rogue Brewery makes their Nut Brown Ale, which is one of the sweetest I've had. It's brewed with hazelnuts and has a nice malty sweetness.
  4. I've been pondering buying an iSi whipper to do some quick infusion experiments. I've also thought about how ti get a smokey chocolate flavor. I wonder if using to cold smoke some some water with a smoking gun or other method and then infuse it with some cocoa nibs would do the trick. What do others think?
  5. I'm usually a hip-shooter during the week as I work full time and cook what I know for my family. However, I too am trying to menu plan and working on expanding my repertoire with some recipes. Not to mention, I am learning to use my new pressure cooker, so recipes and time tables are a recent staple. I'm not a line-by-line recipe follower though. I use them more for inspiration. I'm doing some experimentation with spherification and the like as well, so again, recipes are very useful.
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