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Posts posted by boilsover

  1. 6 hours ago, daveb said:

    Kewl.  Talk to me in a year when you've had a chance to compare theory to reality.  Meanwhile enjoy your SV experience.  




    LOL, it won't take me a year.  I'll break out the Kill-A-Watt next week and do actual measurements--something you, with all your experience, apparently haven't done.


    Or do I need to apprentice with someone for a year first (sous vide being so technical and all)?


    Noise indeed.



  2. On 10/5/2017 at 10:05 PM, daveb said:

    I won't argue with physics.  Yes an un-insulated container will use more energy to maintain the bath temp than an insulated one.  It might even be measurable.  But it's still noise.   "Wear and tear" even more so.


    You started this thread to solicit info to build your first cover for your new Anova.  I posted pics of several covers I have modified for several containers that I use frequently.  You might consider that.



    Well, that's good not to argue with physics.  My experience with appliances that cycle on and off is generally that the fewer times they're required to cycle, the longer they last, and the less energy they use.  These consumer-grade SV units are obviously not rated for continuous use.


    You may consider buying another $180 circulator a year or two earlier than was needed, or extra $ wasted on electricity "noise".  It would not be difficult to quantify the savings.  But to pronounce, without knowing, what is truly de minimis, is a problem, don't you think?  Or have you quantified them yourself?


    I had the extra cooler, scrap plexi and tools.  I suppose if I hadn't had those things, I'd have let Amazon solve my problem with a pricey

    uninsulated tub/generic cover set  or clingform.  Shame on me to DIY a better mousetrap!


    But thanks for the measurement. 

  3. 4 hours ago, daveb said:

    In my experience the heat loss is noise. 


    I think you would concede, on reflection, that an uninsulated container with a film (or no) cover will cause the circulator's heating element to cycle and run more frequently than would an insulated, tight setup.  If you and Weedy won't, you should consider the example of a larger-scale sous vide--a hot tub or jaccuzzi; these are almost always insulated, and wise owners also cover them when not cooking humans.  This is not merely to save a few dollars of electricity, but also to save wear and tear on the equipment.


    Similarly the "noise" and "efficiency" of starting with bath water that is already near the target temperature.  Why wait (and pay twice) for that 'lil 800W coil to bring ambient water to temp?


  4. 8 hours ago, weedy said:

    So the issue with 'heat loss' is really about efficiency


    Yes, of course.  Just trying to be responsible.  That's also why I picked a cooler over a Cambro.


    If I get bored, I'll compare 'top off versus covered with a Kill-A-Watt.


    Do you not use an insulated cover on your HWH?

  5. 9 hours ago, weedy said:

    I have what you might call (crude) key holes, or I'd just call SLOTS, cut into plastic lids for my cambros. 

    That way I can pop the cover to add water if needed without disturbing the circulator. 


    But again, I find that with either the lid or just cling film the bath loses less than a cup of water a day at 134f   

    So on long runs (e.g., I just did 72 hr short ribs again) I lift the edge and dump in a cup of hot water in the morning. 

    No big deal. 


    Thanks.  The unit arrived today, so I located and sawcut the 2.5" hole in my plexi.  WITH the supplied clamp, the Anova sits quite high in the cooler, so I'm going to experiment with just poking it through the hole (being new to this, I'm not appreciating the necessity to remove the cover while leaving the circulator in place).  If I decide I want the remove-ability, it's simple to cut the plexi accordingly.


    I'm not all that concerned about evaporative loss from the bath, especially since I'm using a medium cooler. I'm more aiming for minimizing heat loss.  Kenji's ping-pong ball idea seems... problematic, so I just thought I'd try sealing the system in a simpler way.

  6. Thanks, everyone.  I had a scrap piece of plexiglass for which I've been looking for a use.  My small marine cooler has an interior lip all around, so I cut the plexi to fit. I just need to locate and sawcut the through-hole for the circulator.


    Just trying to decide if I want the "keyhole" or a simple hole.  If the circulator fits well in the latter, I may go that route.  But do those of you who clamp to coolers and large Cambros find a keyhole cover (i.e., leaving the Anova in the bath) useful?



  7. So, I have the 800w, version 1.0 (Bluetooth only, not WiFi) coming, and I want to make a Plexiglass cover for my cooler to poke the unit through.  Does anyone know: (a) the exact diameter of the immersion end; or better yet (b) the ideal hole diameter to cut so it rests right without falling through?



  8. 2 hours ago, Tropicalsenior said:

    It is a total p PIA!

    I think I have owned every type of spoon rest made by man and I have hated them all. then I found this one. it is made of silicon and after I found out how good it was I went back and bought four more.When it gets messy I just pitch it in the dishwater and grab another.

    Here Is another little gem that I bought at the Chinese restaurant supply yesterday. I can see this being worth its weight in gold.


     What is it?


    Canning tongs?

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  9. 42 minutes ago, Anna N said:

    Baste. I suspect this is the more generally accepted meaning for most of us. I would consider covering it with the lid as steaming. But as always to each their own. 



    It's merely a (if not the) common term for these covers.  Sort of like calling a rondeau a brazier.  The definition of "braise" doesn't really enter into it.


    Guy goes into a resto supply store...  "Gimmee a couple of those whatchamacallits that you throw over eggs."  "You mean basting covers?  Right this way."

  10. 8 hours ago, JoNorvelleWalker said:


    I don't understand.  If you are a normally sighted cook or something close to it, you are watching your eggs as you are basting them.  Else, if you are vision impaired you might not want to be handling a Searzall.



    Your basting covers are glass?  Mine are aluminum.


    And I'm not basting the eggs they cover--I'm waiting for the heat trapped inside to finish the top of the egg.  Lifting the cover too often releases the heat, just like opening an oven's door.  Wait too long and the egg's overdone.  Hence finishing with the torch.

  11. On 9/25/2017 at 5:10 PM, Coogles said:


    Thanks, Coogles.  I bought the Anova v1.0 for $89 and free shipping at your link..  In the YouTube vid another person linked to, it looked like Anova had the strongest water circulation, too.   FWIW, they're refurbished units, but WTH, for $89!  Still have a 1-year warranty.

  12. 18 hours ago, scott123 said:

    Let me guess, is this a gas oven?  Or might it be a newer, fancier oven with a special broiler technology?


    Nope, older electric oven, and the serpentine coil glows uniformly bright.  Yes, pies are <6" from coil.


    18 hours ago, scott123 said:

    It's not easy, but you want to stretch the dough pretty thin, and you want to keep the toppings nice and sparse


    Check and check.


    18 hours ago, scott123 said:

    You can also look at your dough formula if the crust isn't browning. 


    The exposed rim is browning fine.  It's the toppings that aren't finishing in time.  Most of the time I use Trader Joe's dough.  How would some other dough help with the toppings when the bottom's already 'way ahead?


    18 hours ago, scott123 said:

    Pizza bakes from the heat stored in the entire steel, so you might drive up the surface temp a bit, but at the same time, the temp on the bottom of the steel drops.


    Um, I'm shooting the bottom of the steel along with the top.  After an hour, readings everywhere are quite even.


    I'll try a bake-only at 525F.  Thanks.

  13. 16 hours ago, nickrey said:

    no smells of gas products


    Just to be clear, there's no torch taste or smell with the Searzall--that's one of its big advantages.


    On the minus side, it's not that great (or fast) for searing a steak.  Touching up, yes.

    • Like 1
  14. 49 minutes ago, rotuts said:

    save disappointment if one didn't know about this.


    YW.  My disappointment came after I asked for, and Santa delivered, the Searzall.  They SAY that it will work on the TS-4000 (which I had).  It will fit, but the heat output is <1/2 that of the TS8000.  So a $75 expenditure became something more like $150.


    Oh, here's another...er... tip:  Even mounted to the shorter, squat "camping" type as bottles, the assembled Searzall is hella tippy.  I would not use it without also buying one of the aftermarket plastic bases sold for camping lanterns.  

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