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John von Pey

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Everything posted by John von Pey

  1. Last weekend I've been offered a bottle of Gordon & McPhail rum from 1974. Because of it's price (120 euro for a bottle) I decided to search for some information first. But I can't find any, not even on the site of Gordon and McPhail. On this forum, the rum is mentioned three times, but no specific information. Can anyone help me on this one? Thanks, John
  2. Yes, I have. Although warned all around not to spend money on Bundy, I did buy a bottle Bundy Black 1987. And to me, it tasted a lot like gin. It had that very recognizable flavour, and tasted in nothing like the rums I'm used to. This is a rum I won't buy again, it was one of those rums for which any coke is too good
  3. Trader Vic Books that I have (there may be more): Trader Vic's Book of Food and Drink Trader Vic's Kitchen Kibitzer: The Cookbook for Men Trader Vic's Pacific Island Cookbook Trader Vic's Rum Cookery and Drinkery Trader Vic's Book of Mexican Cookery Trader Vic's Bartender's Guide Frankly Speaking: Trader Vic's Own Story, a Candid and Informal Autobiography Thanks for the information Lee! I'm leaving for London in a few hours, and will add some bookstores to the "must visit" list (which includes already liquer stores, rapping bartender's restaurant, and if possible a visit to ctgm...) And yes, I found the adress of Trader Vic's restaurant in London. So if I have some spare time
  4. Last weekend I got a bottle of Cadenhead green label for my birthday. In the package was also a businesscard, with the following adress Cadenhead. It is a Dutch website, but click on "producten" (=products), then click on bar with "maak een keuze" (= make your choice), select Cadenhead Rums and click on the button "toon" (= show). You'll see a list of Cadenhead rums they carry (21 in total). The collection varies from a 10 year old to a 36 year old (and 69.3%!). They do delivery, but write to them for information about deliveries abroad. I hope this site is usefull to someone around here p.s. no, I haven't opened my bottle yet, the amount of open bottles has to reduce first
  5. Here's an update... The testbottle has been standing in direct sunlight for four months now (and we have had quite some shiny days! ) Conclusion: there is no change visible of smellable. I haven't tasted yet, because I filled only a small bottle for this test (0,1 liter). Since I didn't like the taste very much, I don't intend to buy another bottle, so the test has to continue with the current one... The research continues... John
  6. Hi, Since a few weeks there is a new (?) brand of liquers and spirits available in The Netherlands. It is called Bootz (but they claim to originate from 1630). They are heavily promoting a line of 22 spirits and liquers. All of them in the same shape/size bottle, with the same label layout. Of those 22 there are 4 rums: - rum (white) - rum brown - rum lemon - rum orange I think that's not bad, 4 out of 22 (there are "only" two vodka's). The promotion included a two page ad in the largest tv-guide over here, and is also supported with freecards. A card for each drink, and on each card there is a mixing recipy. This is also their slogan: DIY mixing, easier than ever... I have to admit, it looked nice in the store, a complete shelf with one layout of bottles. I bought the brown rum and the orange one. I suppose I know how the lemon one tastes (so that is moved to a later date) and the white one wasn't available. Prices are around 13,00 Euro a bottle of 0.7 liters. On their internetsite Bootz is an overview of their products, and 88 mixing recipies (only in Dutch, sorry).
  7. Sorry, slip of the tongue / language. I ment not as commonly as... I have seen all three brands in the area, and although I don't remember specific types of rum, Appleton was represented by quite a collection. But I'll be sure to put Sangsters rum cream on the list!
  8. Hi , I've got a question for which three facts are usefull: - I graduated last tuesday (so I now can call myself a teacher, although I'm already fulfilling that job for more than a year) - I celebray my birthday (july 12th) in combination with the graduation - two friends are going on a honeymoon to Jamaica and have asked repeatedley what they can buy me for the occasion What rums can you advise me to aks for this occasion that are not so commonly known like Appleton's, Myers or Wray and Nephew's? The friends are leaving on june 6th, so your advise would we wanted before that date... Thanks, John
  9. Hi all, I'm sure you all read Luis Ayala's rum-based magazine Got Rum?, but still, for the one or two who don't In the Got Rum? issue of April 2003 a new series is started about Rum bars, pubs and restaurants around the world. And as a European rum lover I would love to see some non-American based locations reviewed. So, if you have a rumbar, check out Rumshopand mail Luis! John
  10. Hi, last weekend I bought a bottle of Plantationa rum, but it says on the label "Old Reserve 1986 vintage" and "Product of Barbados". On the French site above only the 1991 version is mentioned. Did I buy some old stock??? And, as said before by others: is the 1986 a better year than the 1991 or not? This question because they have still two or three bottles, is it worth getting them as wel? They charged me 30 Euro's for the bottle. The 1991 was sold for 25 Euro. John
  11. Last weekend I received a message from the producer, saying: "sunlight might affect the looks and the taste of (any) spirits." That's all... But, as said before, there is a small clear bottle of Mil Estrellas standing at my window, where it catches a lot of sunlight each day (if the sun cooperates that is) John
  12. The alcohol level is 32%. Ingredients as mentioned on the label: sugar, flavourings, citric acid and sodium citrate Hmmmm.... do I drink that??? Your idea sounds possible! I'm gonna try the experiment with great care...
  13. OK, it is time to start an experiment. I'm gonna pour a small amount of the rum in a clear glass bottle, and place it in full sunlight (which we have plenty at the moment). I'll keep you informed about changes John p.s. I have written to the destiller with the same question I asked here. No response yet...
  14. No, it is a clear rum. Is it possible the lemon part could be influenced by sunlight? Although I never heard of other flavoured rums with this problem...
  15. Hi all, Last weekend I bought a bottle of Mil Estrellas Limon. I suppose this is a Bacardi Limon "lookalike". But what I find strange is the warning on the label: store away from direct sunlight. I have never seen this warning on another bottle before (and I have seen some...). Can anyone shine a light on this? (though preferrably no direct sunlight ) John
  16. Hello Mike from my last trip to London, I remember an adress. Unfortunately I wasn't able to check it out, but that gives me a reason to go back If you go to underground stop "chalk farm" (I believe on the Northern Line, it is the black one) and go above ground, go left at the exit. You reach a T-junction, and go right. On the left side of the street I saw a shop called "rum world". It looked promising, but as I mentioned, no time Please let me know how this one turned out! John
  17. Hello all, I am looking for recipies of rumcakes, since I am not able to find them commercially in my part of The Netherlands. I just returned from she shopping centre, and "only" found baba rum. I'm gonna try this later this evening Furthermore I've been making a Christmas pudding, based on a recipy that was printed in the newspaper (but added a very very very small touch of rum). But, as mentioned, if someone would like to share a rumcake recipe with me, please email me at john.von.pey@xs4all.nl! John
  18. Hello Paul, Try this site: www.tastings.com They compare a lot of drinks, give ratings and tasting notes. Very usefull! Also check the site of Luis Ayala, he has written some books about rum (very usefull), and also has a rum ezine (Got Rum?) in which rums are desribed. In there you can also find lots of other information about rum. The adress of his site is www.rumshop.net Cheers, John
  19. Hello Paul, You just gave me another reason to go to Italy on holliday Where can we find your bar? oh yeah, welcome to the list! John
  20. Thanks everyone for the reactions. I will keep my hands from the Malecon, and go for the Appleton first. That one hasn't been in my collection yet, and your reviews of it are quite good. So Appleton first, and than on another occasion maybe Rum Nation out of curiosity. Rene, thanks for the adresses! I will check them out! John
  21. Hello again, last week I've been searching the internet for liquor stores in The Netherlands that have a nice collection of rums. Well, to be short: none on the net. But several shop advertise with how many whiskey's they have, so I wrote to some of them, complementing them with their whiskey's and asking how their rum collection was. So far I got one reply: Rum nation: Panama 18 jaar 43.50 Demerara 18 jaar 51.95 Demerara 26 jaar 94.95 Jamaica Supreme lord 26 jaar 94.95 Malecon 12 jaar 20.00 Malecon 21 jaar 39.50 Malecon 25 jaar 49.50 Appleton Estate 21 jaar 52.50 Appleton VX 18.50 Eldorado 12 jaar 21.50 Eldorado 15 jaar 33.50 Mathusalem 15 jaar 27.95 Additional information: jaar means year, and the price is in euro's. Can someone give some more information about the Rum nation items? They are very expensive, as you can see, and I wonder, are they worth the prices mentioned? Thanks, John
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