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Posts posted by JonathanEllis

  1. I've never needed support so can't comment I'm afraid. Agree, you have to buy a different version for each collection type, which is a bit of a money spinner I guess, but you can get it for free through Trial Pay (needed some new ink for my printer so bought a cartridge and got Collectorz for Books for free). Readerware does look good though, I may download the trial and see how it differs...

  2. Onions. Sweating slowly with other veg for a great pasta sauce base, or, even better, frying gently for 20-25 minutes until you have the perfect Indian curry colour and taste - the smell is just superb. You can't really hurry Indian cooking anyway, and I love nothing more than starting at around lunch time for an Indian themed dinner party :smile:

  3. Of course its exceptionally silly.  That's why we care about it.  Much easier than caring about important things that worry the crap out of us.  These shows provide the food-obsessed the same escape that others get from sports.

    Possibly the best post I have seen on any forum anywhere.

  4. OK, first post and it seems appropriate. Just counted and I have 112 books ranging from very old to fairly new.

    Latest addition was yesterday, a 50p find at a car boot sale - Celebrity Cooking For You edited by Renee Hellman with a foreword by Arthur Dickson Wright, the father of Clarissa Dickson Wright of Two Fat Ladies fame. 1961 1st edition.

    I'm just glad there is a forum where I can share this stuff without feeling ashamed of my addiction !

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