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Ron Johnson

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Posts posted by Ron Johnson

  1. Wilfrid I would want to know what laws are being broken. Some laws are silly don't you think? The law hasn't done much to earn my respect lately and I speak as the victim of an incorrect parking ticket that will cost me many hours to fight and I'll still lose probably. We have so many laws that are the result of the regulatory state and have no moral basis and may actually be immoral because they regulate things that shouldn't be regulated like what kind of cheese I can eat (real example) and what kind of cookies I can bake (hypothetical example not far off). It doesn't bother me to see these laws laughed at and broken if no harm comes from it.

    Well put Ellen. People often ask me how I can practice criminal defense law. From this point forward I will use your argument. :smile:

  2. I have a magnetic strip that is screwed to the wall above the countertop but below the overhead cabinets. It comfortably holds all my blades in a nice row where I can easily tell which is which and reach for the one I require. This method of storage also insures that other objects do not bang into my knives and that they stay clean and dry. It works for me.

  3. This thread is ridiculous and sublime, so it is showing a great range. :smile:

    I do think a linguistic expert is required at this point. Apparently, Nina has one, so if she would just submit a full CR 26.02 disclosure we can prepare for cross examination.

  4. Despite how many ice cream stores Nina has been thrown out of, Joe and Mario are not mispronouncing the name of their own restaurant. Both are fluent in Italian and haved lived in Italy. They are pronouncing it correctly.

  5. Ron - perhaps you can't hear the difference between oh-toe, and what's on that MP3?  Does it sound like oh-toe to you?

    Perhaps. Or, perhaps you are hearing it incorrectly. :shock:

    I think Batali called the place Otto and not Eight because the cuisine is Italian and not American or English. Just a thought.

  6. I shake martinis, gibsons and the like because I do not find lukewarm vodka or gin palatable. Stirring makes a drink that is cold for the first sip but then quickly warms.

    I will accept a stirred Manhattan because bourbon tastes great when its not ice cold.

  7. God yes, this may be my biggest pet peeve. I have purposely positioned my butcher block island close to my countertop work space adjacent to the range to discourage guests from coming around to "help". There are stools for them on the other side of the island, but without fail I end up with two or three over on my side while I am trying to cook. It is worse if they are attempting to cook at the same time. It drives me crazy.

  8. Wow Ron the non-trad paella sounds sososo good.

    Thanks Priscilla. It was one of those dishes that turned out so good and tasted so amazing, that I was like, "holy shit, I made that?" :smile:

    Give it a try.

  9. Mr. Meyer,

    First of all let me say hello as a fellow former St. Louisan. Well, at least I attended highschool there (DeSmet).

    I also lived in Memphis, TN for about six years, where I had the opportunity to learn a lot about 'cue and even cook on a team in the Memphis in May competition.

    I have not had the chance to try Blue Smoke, but I understand that its theme is derived from your roots in St. Louis and St. Louis barbeque.

    How would you describe the restaurant and the style of barbeque that you are offering?

    What do you consider "St. Louis Barbeque" and which other style do you think is most similar?

    Finally, which region and which cut of meat do you feel is the ultimate expression of barbeque and how did that play into your ideas for developing Blue Smoke (i.e. required cooking equipment, etc.)?


    p.s. Toasted Ravioli rocks.

  10. The body, on average, metabolizes one ounce of alcohol per hour. There is roughly one ounce of alcohol in a 12 oz beer, and one ounce in a 5 oz. glass of wine. Coupled with a large meal, I would not be surprised if your BAC is close to .00 by the time you are on the road headed home, unless you consume the beer, the wine, and the meal inside of half an hour. :blink:

    In other words, I don't think you have anything to worry about.

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