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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by torakris

  1. Count me in for the tours!
  2. Most Japanese kids love natto, mine all ate it when they were young though my oldest (and pickiest) won't touch it any more. Just a warning, no matter how careful you are it will get everywhere. Hair, clothes, chair, table and surrounding walls. I used to strip my kids down to their diaper and then throw them in the bath afterwards...
  3. I still can't decide on a place for dinner for my husband and I, though Valentino at the Venetian is at the top of my list now. I was looking at the Venetian because I was being lazy and didn't want to venture out....but Is there a great restaurant I'm going to miss? I'm thinking about someplace with a tasting menu in the ~$150/pp range, but non-French. I like good solid food and don't really care for this new wave frothy stuff, something I can really sink my teeth in and with bold flavors. If you could pick one place in Vegas with these requirements where would it be? David and Jeff, I was going through your Vegas Uncork'd report sand all I can say is Wow!
  4. This is a pretty old thread, any updates for the Sedona area? I'll be in Sedona for 3 days right at Christmas with my 3 children (ages 15, 14 and 11) and am looking for some good places to eat. Our hotel seems to have a pretty decent breakfast buffet so we are looking or lunches and dinners. What will the restaurant situation be on Christmas day? Are most places open and serving from the regular menu? I have a couple places I'm looking at: Red Rock BBQ. BBQ is non-existent in Japan and I get cravings... Haunted Burger (in Jerome) this one is for the kids.... Either Hideaway or Picazzo's for pizza Wildflower for a lunch The Cowboy Club Grille I was thinking of going here for Christmas dinner, should I make reservations and how far in advance? Any other family friendly reasonably priced places?
  5. Sounds great! We are actually avoiding the entire strip for the days leading up to NYE thus our staying in Henderson. We head to Venetian on 1/1 and am trying to get our reservations in now for the restaurants that need them. Of course with our group I'm not really planning too many "nice" meals. Is there a certain time of day that would be the best to hit a buffet? We are thinking of going on Tues 1/3.
  6. This was the other pizza place I had bookmarked, I'm going to take a look at it again thanks!
  7. I think we'll be there at the same time! We are arriving via the Grand Canyon on 12/28 and headed back to Tokyo on 1/4.
  8. I'm taking the family to Vegas for about a week and need some help with food choices, it's overwhelming there is so much to choose from. The family on the Vegas portion of the trip (we are spending the week before in Arizona) will consist of my husband and I, our 3 children (ages 15,14, and 11) and my in-laws...So we need so family friendly places. Except for 3 nights at the Venetian, we will be based in Henderson. Some specific things I'm looking for: A nice restaurant for my husband and I for one night, preferably something in the Venetian/Palazzo. My husband doesn't really care for French style or courses so I was thinking Cut or Tao, though leaning more towards Cut. A lunch buffet, I'm not really a buffet person but my mother-in-law is insisting on it... A good Hawaiian style place, a strange request but I noticed there are quite a few of them and the whole family loves Hawaiian plate style lunches and poke. Some place in the Henderson area would be nice. Good ice cream/frozen yogurt also preferably in the Henderson area. We are planning a trip out to Red Rock Canyon/Bonnie Springs is there anyhting in the area good for lunch? I could also use a good burger at some point on this trip.... Some place that have pretty much been decided are: Cheescake Factory (Henderson) my kids and in-laws love this place.... Top of the World (Stratosphere) for lunch after my daughter an I ride the rides Hash House a Go Go for breakfast one day, just cause it sounds good and I like large portions when with a group this size Grimaldi' Pizza it's close to where we are staying and I'll need a pizza fix before returning to Japan
  9. Someone is making a lot of money on that rice cooker. You can buy the same one here in Japan for just under 30,000 yen ($390 US). My rice cooker cost about that 2 or 3 years ago and I love it. It does make great rice, but you have to have good rice to start with. Nothing is going to make bad rice taste good. I choose a rice cooker over a pot for convenience. I make rice everyday and at different times, I need hot rice at 5:20am for my husband's lunch and I don't want to wake up at 4:30 to get the pot on. The timer also comes in handy when I am driving the kids around in the evening and want to come home to a freshly cooked pot of rice. For most Japanese though, it's comes down to space. The average kitchen only has a double burner and in a country that eats soup every day along with their rice, a rice cooker frees up the range so you can prepare another dish.
  10. I will definitely be there!
  11. You will find many "Japanese" products that are either made/manufactured/processed in China or made in Japan using Chinese products. Not only for sale overseas but in Japan as well. Anything that is made in Japan with Japanese ingredients is going to much more expensive that it's made in China counterpart. So if you are seeing a wide range of prices on the shelves the more expensive things will most likely be Japanese made. These particular pickles that you bought were processed in China for the Japanese market and then imported by the company Shin Shin. in Japanese your package says: 原産国名:中国 Country of manufacture: China 輸入者:新進 Importer: Shin Shin
  12. I was planning on bringing my iPad, so no problems.
  13. Perfect! See you then.
  14. I drive right through University Circle to get downtown. I can pick you up in front of the natural history museum, there's a big dinosaur out front. What time do you want to be picked up?
  15. I must have missed this, I can pick him up For the WSM if it hasn't already been decided. Dave - you can get into someone's car after lunch to go to Crop and back to downtown. Beth - would you be willing to pick Dave up and take him to VTR Friday? VTR back to GHT will be easy, and your hotel is a walk or easy ride with almost anyone after dinner. Dave - do you know whether you want to shop at the Farmers' Market or the West Side Market on Saturday? I think West Side Markets fits with what I need. May I have a local volunteer who is going to the WSM pick up Dave downtown on their way to the market? I'm planning to coordinate at the market, and I don't want to over-commit myself to too many things at once.
  16. David I can get you if no one else has offered. I actually have to drive right by your "neighborhood" to get to anything downtown. I'm on the near east side so not a problem at all. PM me to figure out times.
  17. After a 3 week east coast/Canada road trip the kids and I arrived in Cleveland about an hour ago. My girls have decided they want to join the brunch (from the a la carte menu) and are pretty sure they also want to join the Saturday shopping, cooking and dinner. So you add them to my head count? torakris+2 for Saturday and Sunday.
  18. Yup - those who need to drive a ways would appreciate a more brunchy timing I think. A Sunday brunch works a little better for me as well.
  19. Put me down as a +6 for Friday lunch.
  20. How specific of a head count do we need for Friday lunch? I'm planning on possibly bringing all 3 kids and my sister is probably interested as well and might bring 2 or 3 of her kids....
  21. Me too, I'm currently in Toronto and won't be arriving in Cleveland until late Weds night. I am having a hard time getting wifi here and may not be back on until Thursday.. With all the great places in Toronto I really don't like spending time in McDonald's and Starbucks just for the free wifi.
  22. Sorry I've been so quiet, the kids and I are in the middle of a whirlwind east coast road trip and Internet access has been spotty. I'm more than happy to put together something with Steven and Tom Nancy, do we need a specific head count for the Fiday lunch? I was thinking of bringing the kids along for that one, but I might not know until that morning.
  23. I started running the cold water when poring hot water in the sink a couple years ago on the advice of my plumber here in Japan.
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