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  1. Thank you all. I did reheat two different batches. They are smooth now but far too soft for fudge - they won't hold their shape. At this point, I'm probably better off turning them into a syrup to pour over ice cream or use in milk. Do you think I can just heat and add cream?
  2. Hello everyone, Well, that'll teach me to make more than I should! I made a large batch of fudge to give as gifts, but the sugar didn't melt properly. It is grainy. I put a test batch into a pan with evaporated milk and cream, heated it to melt the crystals, and brought it to 234. It is no longer grainy, but far too soft to "serve" as is. Tried a second, but the sugar didn't melt. I threw it out. I still have quite a bit left. I would gladly give up on the "candy" aspect and do something else with it. I just hate to waste all of that time and money. I should also add that we moved last year. I've heard that sugar is different for some parts, so perhaps that is part of the problem. Any ideas? Thanks!
  3. Wouldn't you know it! We have a family wedding in a couple of weeks, and I've had a misfortune in the basement adding some extra humidity to the air. It won't be fixed before next weekend, which is when I need to have everything finished. Adding to the problem is a lot of rain. I made a batch of pizzelle, and within hours, they were soft. Since I don't want to have to redo again, does anyone know what the optimal percent of humidity should be in the air when baking cookies that need to stay crispy? I'm looking for an actual number, such as 40%, 30%, etc. If I need to get another dehumidifier, I will. Thanks in advance! AG
  4. This cake is a high ratio white cake, not a cheesecake. It is baked and ready to be wrapped and frozen. I put some of the batter in a small pan and did a "test cake." I also lightly coated the frozen pieces (I cut them small) with flour before putting them into the batter. The pieces did sink, but not as much as I expected. Maybe because they were so small. However, I would have liked to have a bit more "cookie dough" come through. I didn't put may in the test cake because the pan was so small. I'll have to see how the actual layers come out when it is served next weekend. Thank you again for the comments.
  5. After researching, it appears "stuffed cupcakes" are popular. I also think the dough would sink. I plan to freeze it into small pieces. I wonder if it would help to toss them in cake flour before baking. I also will leave out baking soda from the cookie recipe since I'm making a white cake.
  6. Has anyone had success with using a high ratio cake batter with cookie dough or brownie batter baked into it? Any advice/tricks to know or consider before I attempt it?
  7. I'll be baking 10 - 20 dozen cut-out cookies for an upcoming event. I have a few questions regarding edible ink and "paper" to be used for the photo. (Edible markers would take too long, and cost a lot, given the amount that need to be made.) 1. Have any of you used a printer with the "paper" and ink? If so, did you find a decent supplier? I'm trying to decide the best way to do this. I don't want to be baking the days leading up to the conference, so I thought to pre-bake. 2. Is it possible to freeze cookies with "printed" designs? Will the designs "run?" Or, am I better off baking them and freezing them plain (and add the "photo" later)? 3. Do you recommend any specific type of "paper?" I know that there are fondant type sheets and rice paper sheets. What have you used with success? Any other advice you have is appreciated. Thanks!
  8. Clever! I will certainly ask if the muffin top is a possibility. Thanks, everyone!
  9. Thanks for the replies. I'm not sure of exactly the city, but it is definitely from the south - South Carolina or Georgia. I am thinking brown sugar for a couple of reasons. First, it isn't a "dark" cookie, but it doesn't look white like sugar cookies. I also thought brown sugar would help to achieve the texture. I make a cookie that "mounds" and has a lot of baking powder. If I play around with it, I might be able to achieve the cake-like quality and still get it to hold shape using shortening. Still not sure how to incorporate the honey, unless I substitute some of it for the br sugar. The thought of a glaze crossed my mind, but it would be too sticky and not on the original. All I can do is get as close as I can.
  10. I've been asked to try and replicate a cookie that a friend tasted while on vacation. She said it is almost like a cake (but is definately a cookie), and flavored with honey, ginger, and lemon. The first thing that came to mind is using a cake-type sugar cookie recipe and adapting the flavors from there. I wonder if it would be better to use shortening rather than butter. From what she said, this cookie held its shape during baking. It seems brown sugar would be called for as well. What do you all think?
  11. Thanks! I've given it a try.
  12. Does anyone know of a reputable online presence where I could purchase a custom made cookie cutter? I found one where you upload an image and send it to a 3D printer, but it won't accept my photo. Thanks!
  13. We just had a family wedding, and I baked literally thousands of cookies. All of them stayed "fresh" for a few days as long as they were properly covered. My suggestion, however, would be to make different types of biscotti (you can dip some in chocolate if you'd like) and/or pizzelle. Stay away from cake-type cookies that will dry out faster and keep with "crisp" cookies. My other suggestion is to bake them now and freeze them. I placed them in freezer bags and pressed out as much of the air as I could. Then I put them into small boxes and wrapped them in freezer wrap. Two days before the wedding is going to be very busy. Don't overload yourself.
  14. Thanks, Tony, I appreciate your kindness, but my paddles did come with the metal housing. I am returning my base for repair, as the blender compartment also is acting up. It has had a "plastic wire" smell for a while, and I hoped it was just because it was new. It wasn't. When mixing certain cookie batters, you could hear the gears slipping. All-in-all, I would say that if someone is only making cakes and light batter cookies, perhaps the KA would suffice. However, for heavy users, I've yet to find anything that is as good as the old Hobart-made KA machines, or even a Hobart machine itself. (I also own an old Hobart C100 that I took out of "retirement" to complete a recent cookie-baking extravaganza for a family wedding.) It also takes a lot of getting used to the Bosch's bowl design. Coming from using a KA with an open bowl, and going into using a Bosch with the center core, it is a frustrating learning curve when it comes to scraping it down. I've not given up yet on the Bosch, but I am a saddened since I took quite a while to research and decide on the purchase.
  15. This is how my family has always made the dish, although we sometimes let the salted eggplant sit longer than an hour. It is fantastico!
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