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Posts posted by OldSchoolMeetsNew

  1. thanks again some gd info there too but from what i gather im just gonna have to go and have a crack at it. I WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!

    Yes go have fun, learn, work hard, party harder. It's a great experience over there, I have been home for 2 weeks and already longing to go back.

  2. Hello people,

    let me begin by congratulating you on this brilliant forum, i really couldnt beleive my eyes when i ran into this one!

    Ok heres my issue:

    I have recently done a 1yr cookery course followed by 6months work in a professional kitchen. Im now looking to get myself over to italy to get to the root of the cuisine i most enjoy. However after countless hours searching on the net i have managed to come with a whoppin zero leads.

    Ayhows my question to you all is this:-

    What is the best way of getting work over in italy? becuase as it stands im just packing my bags and hoping for the best. which really isnt a great plan, but hey at least its a plan lol

    any ideas would be much appreciated

    I just got back from working 6 months in Italy and let me tell you, it was amazing!! The culture is very laid back and if you have a decent understanding of the language it should be no problem just going to restaurants and asking to work. Also if you have the money look into the italian culinary institute for foreigners (ICIF) it is a wonderful school and they place you in a restaurant suited for your ability ( I was placed in an excellent one star michelin), so I suggest looking into that or just going in and asking for a job.

  3. Hello I just received a shipment of Ultra tex, 4,3, and 8 and was wondering what are their best uses...can u really make papers with them as described on willpowder.net? Any tips or suggestion are much appreciated. Thank you

  4. Sorry to jump in here - how long will activa keep for?

    As a non professional a tub of chemicals from say Texturas should  last me for life - except for things like Lethicin that goes rancid v quickly once exposed to air. Enzymes such as activa also go off quickly - any other home/experemental chefs out there who would be up to split a pack into "play" quantities?

    Shelf life after opening is about 4-6 weeks.

    Get a free sample here----->http://www.ajiusafood.com/_zCommon/FramePage.asp?P=TG

  5. Hello I have just ordered some activa online and plan on making a veal pasta. My plan is to cook the veal,grind,add activa, spread PAPER thin and cool, then shape my pasta. Does anyone have any experience working with this stuff that could chime in and give any advice? Thank you. I have read the past threads but was wondering if this specifically could be done. Will it be to firm?

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