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  1. The thread that won't die... because people like me lick cake batter from the beaters of the electric hand mixer...with one thumb still on the "on" button...did you know that you can't get stitches in your tongue? Neither did I until it was too late. (FWIW, this incident happened years ago and, surprisingly, I've not suffered a permanent speech impediment.) On a lighter note, I will never again keep the tinned catfood in the same cabinet as the tinned tuna.
  2. Okay, well, I am a server, and I do have a few regulars whom I've come to know so well that, yes, they get a pat on the shoulder or an embrace. Non-regulars, or regulars with whom I don't have a "connection," no way am I going into their personal space that personally! And if we could put the tray in the other hand for a moment, what makes patrons think they can grab my arm or snap their fingers at me? Hmm? Or, for that matter, grab or slap other parts of my anatomy that only my physician is allowed to deal with? Huh? Yeah, that's what I thought!
  3. I have a Taste of Home magazine that contains nothing but recipes for cupcakes and muffins. From which I use about half a dozen recipes. Often. I feel like I'm cheating on James Beard.
  4. Two words: food cost. The bane of many chefs' existences.
  5. We (restaurants) cannot be all things to all people. Take your own teabags and be done with it. After 24 years in F&B, I simply do not see why this issue should be, well, an issue! Is it really that difficult for us to bring you a pot of water so you can enjoy your own tea? You're happy, good on ya', and how would you like your steak cooked? (Unless you're bringing me a raw cut of beef to cook for you...now we have an issue! )
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