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Everything posted by Rose&Thorn

  1. My thoughts exactly. I like sweet and salty. But rather than sweet, I find in these, the chocolate comes through as bitter (I love bitter chocolate), but combined with the salt - does not work for me. Sorry Dorie Basically - to each there own!!
  2. I note that everyone is so happy with their World Peace cookies. I will confess that the last thing on my mind while making these was world peace!!! I don't think I will try this again. But will take full responsibility.
  3. I made a year's supply of Seville orange marmalade last weekend. Had to find things to do with it other than eating it on toast. I found this on Bay Tree Food Company. It was really good, but you have to eat it with ice-cream to cut the tartness.
  4. This is a picture of my marmalade. I have to learn to wait before I bottle, so the fruit does not float. But I get a little impatient when I am finished and just want to get everything in the bottle. I hope the picture works - this is my first attempt. Thanks Rob for the instructions.
  5. I have just looked at your website - Wow your creations are beautiful.
  6. Rose&Thorn

    Preserving Summer

    I know the title says "preserving summer", but as I live on the bottom of the planet, I have just finished saving winter! Had a gift of a very large bag of Seville oranges given to me. Of course I made marmalade - which has come out beautifully. The only price for the oranges is that I had to give a jar of marmalade to the tree owner. Will post some pictures shortly - once I have worked it out.
  7. I will never again use my mandolin without the guard. Lost the top skin and flesh off 3 fingers and my thumb - ouch. Very hard to explain to people when you are delivery food for a function that they should not worry you found all the pieces! Rose& Thorn
  8. I did that the first time I made fish stock - I feel your pain. Rose&Thorn
  9. Rose&Thorn

    Indoor Smoking

    Smoking is not that big where I live. We do lots of outdoor cooking (summer and winter), we call it a braai, you call it a BBQ, so the opportunity to do it indoors never really comes up. Haven't seen a stove top smoker before today. Rose&Thorn
  10. Your "humble" chocolate cookie looks great - no humility in them at all. I am going to try it this weekend. Will make a wonderful winter warmer with a cup of hot chocolate. The weather in Cape Town is awful so this is going to be a real treat. Rose& Thorn
  11. I am a virgin to chocolate and candy making. I have just spent the last 2 days reading all your posts, all the way back to 2003. My mind is blown away. I live in South Africa, where most of the equipment and products you use are totally unknown - except to the professional chocolatiers, I would imagine. I am going to continue to read and learn from you all and soon I hope to be able to participate in your very exciting discussions. Rose&Thorn Cape Town South Africa
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