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Everything posted by FauxPas

  1. You and your hubby make a very impressive team! ๐Ÿ™‚ PS I love the varied cocktails that you and Anna have!
  2. I do this also (though I'm a broccoli girl so that's where my BBRBs usually come from. I can open almost all jars with one of those on the lid edge!
  3. Hey, no problem. I can even bring extra! ๐Ÿ™‚
  4. Here in British Columbia, slugs are sometimes more readily available than snails (though we have lots of those also), so I think we lean that way. http://ibis.geog.ubc.ca/biodiversity/efauna/NatureNotesSlugs.html
  5. There's a store in Vancouver (East West Market) that will sell you a plastic bag, but they look like this:
  6. The store I usually shop at here in BC eliminated all plastic shopping bags at the till back in 2009. They do have some small plastic ones for meat packages that might leak and similar but only use them if a customer requests it or if it's obviously needed. You can purchase paper bags or small cardboard boxes if necessary and of course they have a range of reusable bags, some insulated. When they first eliminated plastic shopping bags, they gave out some free reusable bags to their customers to ease the transition. And I know they used to sell reusable produce bags, I should really see if they still do. That's my downfall for plastic - sometimes I reach for a plastic bag in the produce aisles without thinking. I did use some reusable ones for awhile but they fell apart after washing a few times, but I should do better so I will get more. Thanks to @Okanagancook for the reminder. But since I am often shopping for just the two of us, I don't always need any extra bags - a couple of baking potatoes, a few oranges or apples, a single mango or tomato can all easily be placed in the reusable shopping bags. At the Farmer's Markets and at my CSA, plastic bags are used less and less. For my CSA pickup, I have reusable bags and a great little cardboard box with handholds, plus a bowl with lid for salad greens. Several other stores here charge for plastic bags but I try to take reusable whenever I might be purchasing something that is baggable. Our town is set to vote for the implementation of a community-wide plastic bag ban similar to the nearby city of Victoria. It won't remove all plastic but it will help to reduce the amount going to landfills or ending up in the oceans.
  7. Yes, that's a good point because the review points out that this is a bit awkward with the CrispLid:
  8. I was just reading about it! It looks rather bulky and the hot element concerns me a bit. Not sure how much I would use it, but I would be interested in hearing more from anyone who does try one. ๐Ÿ™‚ And I wonder how it compares to a standard air-fryer.
  9. I need to buy some more produce bags. I had some that fell apart rather quickly. I'd be interested to know how yours hold up. What is the second brand you bought? Any preferences?
  10. I find the same with cookbooks. I love reading most books on my e-reader, but with cookbooks, I definitely prefer an actual book. I really like to jump back and forth and that's a pain on an electronic device. And I want colour for the images so that limits me to smartphone, tablet or laptop and none of those are ideal either. Edited to add: I really still like having some Kindle cookbooks though, because I want the portability! But I wish my Kindle had colour and made it easier to browse around a cookbook's sections.
  11. Ha, you will be busy sorting and organizing! Looks like you already have a plan on the general organization though, I see stick-it notes on some cupboards/drawers. ๐Ÿ™‚
  12. Deb @ Smitten Kitchen linked to this one today. Do you love or hate Wedge Salads? I'm occasionally on the love train, as long as they are made with great ingredients. A good one is very good, but a bad one is very, very bad. The author pokes some fun at her dad's taste, not just at his love for this 'vegetal doorstop.' ๐Ÿ™‚ https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/vb93km/actually-wedge-salads-are-an-abomination I also loved reading the dadโ€™s reply. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/mb89w4/in-defense-of-wedge-salads-from-the-father-of-the-writer-who-denigrated-them
  13. You can see the type of commercial stuff they make by scrolling down and browsing some of the Restaurant Only items on this page (some of these items could be available at Saturday sales): https://www.hfcoors.com/restaurants-only/
  14. I've been to 3 or 4 of the HF Coors Saturdays. They can be quite busy at times, especially if they advertise certain types of items that will be discounted (on the website or in their email/newsletter). Some of their stuff is really popular and those are the days that people would start lining up really early. There are always some people there before opening, they usually know exactly what they want. It used to be that all of the featured sale items were put out first thing and that meant a real rush at opening, but they said they would start putting items out throughout the day. Not sure if they have followed that new policy or not. This video on the website gives an idea of the Saturdays: https://www.hfcoors.com/visit/ Also, they make a lot of commercial stuff (for restaurants and hotels, promotional items, etc) so lots of that stuff is available at the Saturday sales as seconds or as discontinued lines. They make lots of things other than the lines they sell in their retail shop.
  15. I really liked both your Before and After kitchens, but the After did have some nice storage incorporated and a cleaner look! ๐Ÿ™‚
  16. @liamsaunt, did you plan for a designated spot for spices? That's the one that annoys a lot of us forced to live with older kitchens. Or is the pantry-type area next to the fridge used for that?
  17. Mario Batali Charged With Assault and Battery in 2017 Case - NY Times Mario Batali Charged in Boston for Alleged 2017 Assault - The former celebrity chef could face jail time - Eater NY
  18. I had a problem with your link, so searched again and used: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/21/dining/diana-kennedy.html Interesting article!
  19. Wow! Stunning makeover! I love what you did. Did you replace the window also? Do you have drawer or cupboards in the island? Are those quartz countertops?
  20. Several stories on this today. Jamie Oliver restaurant chain collapse costs 1,000 jobs
  21. Not sure how useful this would be but I see that Barbara at Pressure Cooking Today has a post with tips and recipes for using the Instant Pot in an RV. https://www.pressurecookingtoday.com/how-to-use-an-instant-pot-in-your-rv/
  22. Also meant to mention that there is a Nero Wolfe Cookbook though it's not available as an e-book and it doesn't look much like a bargain right now on Amazon.
  23. How could Nero Wolfe stories ever be off topic on a food site? After all, he lived to eat as much as to read or detect. ๐Ÿ™‚ I discovered Nero Wolfe when I was in my teens and early twenties and the novels were a quick and easy diversion while I was going to Uni and wanted a break from the textbooks. I think I still have the full set, though I haven't read one for many years. But somehow I was reluctant to part with them and I have loaned them out a few times. I am pretty sure I once tried to prepare trout a la meuniรจre based on a NW story. I don't think mine was very good, I didn't know how light a touch it needed at the time.
  24. FauxPas

    Breakfast 2019

    Extra tomato and onion for a BLOTTO. ๐Ÿ™‚
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