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Everything posted by claypot2

  1. After posting about my cookbooks I was insired to get the shelving I need to undo all these boxes. Just went this weekend and got stuff from the container store. I'm going to make a wall of books. I'm so glad to hear that books have survived after 12 years in boxes. Mine are in a hot garage. My collection I would say is diversified with little niche categories. As I pull them out of boxes I'm going to catalogue them on a master list. I also want to pare down. I'm only going with one wall of books and no more. If it doesn't fit I'm going to start divesting. And, if I buy new stuff I'm going to get rid of something.
  2. This is my first post on the forum. A conservative estimate is about 600. I can't count because I loaded them all in boxes about 3 years ago when I redid my kitchen and I only unboxed about 3 boxes. I still need to get new shelving so I can have somewhere to put them all. But now I'm at the point I'm afaird to look in the boxes. I hope they haven't gotten ruined sitting in those boxes for so long.
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