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  1. tan319

    Steven Shaw

    Rest in peace, Steve...Thanks for the opportunities to share, make friends and have some laughs. Oh, I was just rereading some posts and saw my old sig. It's my Alain Ducasse "SPOON" cookbook ltd. edition #, 2317/ 5000. You turned me on to that massive tome!!! We had a good laugh about that, a few of us. That's a tribute to you, sir! My sympathy and condolences to his family...
  2. sounds like jive Merry xmas!
  3. why would any of the "Infinement" recipes be crappy? You & I have seen at least 1 of them. Can someone explain or guide me to the sub forum of the sub forum "Herme' books that suck", please? Thankx!
  4. http://www.amazon.com/Ice-Cream-Stabilizer-2-lb/dp/B00270TPVQ the best one http://www.pastrychef.com/search.asp?keyword=stabilizers&search.x=0&search.y=0&search=GO good luck if you still need it, I was just "geezin" :-)
  5. Something in your recipe is amiss. I would refer to Michael Laiskonis's aricle on Ingredient tables, etc. I would think you would have to use it in conjunction with atomized glucose or Sirop de Glucose, some kind of stabilizer, etc. If it's a mainly liquid concoction, then it would change again. What kind of machine are you using? Good Luck! PS: Where are you located?
  6. Thank you VERY much for this!
  7. If it's like Trimoline it should be opaque. Maybe lower the heat a bit and use lemon juice if that's what it specifies! That's what a recipe is for, especially like this where is just three ing.? Invert sugar is nothing like Golden Syrup. If it's cooking too fast cook it for less time. Happy Cooking
  8. I would be surprised if you ever see it. Is "Infinement" in English?
  9. This is one of my favorite blogs. Keeps me informed as to what's happening over there more, as a rule. Thanks.
  10. It's supossedly Italian made (!)but I see what you mean about the Hobart look. Is there a fuse or something like that , aq reset, anywhere on the machine? It seems I had to hit a reset once one time. Kitchen Aid had been useless, ditto Whirlpool. I'' just going to hit schematic net. Thank you! Ant info greatly appreciated!!! Ted
  11. So far, I've come up goose eggs. I used this machine at a gig I had maybe 2 or so years ago and recently heard that it had given up up the ghost. I never had a problem with it and I would say my pastry dept made, modestly, 15liters of ice cream and sorbet a week and the only thing we ever replaced was a gasket for the front seal. As far as I can tellthis is a motor problem. It doesn't start when you turn on, opened up, there is no electrical smell whatso ever. There is just no torque to the the churner ( the dedesign is like a "Taylor B b 104" except of course nowhere near the capability. Is anyonre familiar with the machine and either who does repairs (I'm in New Mexico) or can get a schematic to me? Much appreciated! Thank You!!!
  12. 1.25/1.30 is pretty decent. Less then a hundred with 4 day chronopost shipping.
  13. Thanks for the kind words. Yesterday I neglected Ms. yard and also Elizabeth Faulkner as great chefs who have written some great books that not only explain how things work and why but have great recipes too. I''m surprised at the number of chefs ( not pastry ) who literally phoned their books in) Good luck on PH10. That's a heavy hit! Is the Euro worth about 1.25/1.30 right now?
  14. They are brand new, the PH book isn't out until oct , early oct, I think. I brought the 1st Michalak book when I was in France in early '07 and I sstill love it. I'm not fluent in any way what so ever although because I spent so much time with Spanish Pastry books (Los Postre de El Bulli) translating the best I could . the French ones seemed much easier,I've also spent a lot of time in France.' Macaron', by Pierre Herme, because of the repetetiveness of the recipes ( the steps, not the material) really spelled it out. But PH10, Herme's last BIG volume, was formidible. I would say, if you're a pastry chef,a working pastry chef, you shouldn't be without these. Just components of recipes with some flavor changes or as they are , take you into another world. In the US , I find very little I can depend on recipe wise or that I'm excited by. Dorie Greenspan, Kate Zuckerman are solid, Pichet Ong and Johnny Iuzzini solid and for ideas. Like I said, "Infinement" isn't out until10/28/2010. Michalaks book is out now and I would imagine it would be fun. As far as a collector type of pastry book freak, you can't beat these types of books nor the Spanish equivalents. I have cooked from all of the books I have and that's how I decide in the future what is going to be a good bet for me. Sadly, I've found many dessert oriented books that are from the US not to be very useful to a person like myself. The best was/is a Richard Leach book called the "Four Seasons", I think? Mainly for components. Kitchen arts and letters may have some copies of that as well as Amazon used. I find if you're not weighing your ingredients you're basically playing Russian Roullette/ wasting your time. That's why unless there's a horrible typo ( which they're sometimes are) I feel Euro books are generally the biz. Good Luck! On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 1:46 PM, eG Forums <no-reply@egullet.org> wrote: tan319, janeer has just posted a reply to "Les desserts qui me font craquer": ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Told you I didn't speak French. I know Spanish very well, though, and I can puzzle my way through a lot of written French as a consequence. Have you actually cooked from either of these books? Are they must-haves? I am a pastry book freak. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. Nothing Google Translate or another translator can't help you thru After a couple of recipes and ingredient translations....c'est du gateau? http://www.amazon.fr/desserts-qui-font-craquer/dp/2259211097/ref=pd_sim_b_1 PS: Francais
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