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  1. my mills are classic old-style wooden jobs with stainless steel mechanisms, the "Peugeot" kind that normally are good for decades.
  2. My ground pepper out of two of my pepper mills (both tall classic wooden ones) smells bad -- I can't be more precisely than that. It's sort of like pepper but unpleasant smelling - and I can't figure it out. but it's ruining dishes. Anyone else had the same issue? In the name of science, maybe a few of you would sniff the business end of your pepper mill and describe the scent for me/us. We've now emptied both mills but before reloading, how would one disinfect/sanitize/deoderize a pepper mill?
  3. I am pretty much 100% converted to cast iron these days for all the well-known reasons. I know (I think) that I am supposed "clean" cast iron as little as possible to help it keep its seasoning. Problem is, I seem to always have the lingering essence of my last use in whatever I am cooking. Last time it was a fish odor, today my apples for tarte tatin have the mysterious aroma of Cumin from a recent chile dish. Short of having one skillet for each type of food -- fish, other savoury, sweet -- are there any tips on rendering my skillet neutral smelling without scrubbing it ruthlessly?
  4. Thanks both. In the end I half-cooked the brown rice in a rice cooker with excess water and tried working backwards from the end point, as suggested. Finally result was a hit, but I noticed the cooking liquid (zuchinni juice + milk) didn't seem to be absorbed quite as thoroughly as it was in the white rice version. That might have been a function of some characteristic of brown rice or I might have screwed up my timing and measures. I will have to try it again another time when I am less harried and pay closer attention. thanks though. Peter
  5. One of my favourite dishes from Master the Art is from Vol2, p 271, Tian de Courgettes au Riz. I would like however to use brown rice instead of the white it calls for. the original calls for 1 cup of white rice boiled in a large quantity of water for exactly 5 minutes and then drained. it is then cooked along with other stuff with 2.5C of hot liquid. So, how to convert this? First how long to parboil? if 5 minutes is a little less than 1/3 the standard 18 minutes cooking time for white rice would I parboil the brown rice for 1/3 the standard 45 minutes for brown (so, 15minutes?) or would you parboil until ... 13 minutes (18-5) from it being fully cooked, so 45-13 = 32min? Second, how much liquid to use in the final cooking process (along with 2C zuchinni, minced onions, ) instead of 2.5 cups,More? thanks any quick suggestions would be appreciated as this is for this evening. Peter
  6. Oh goodness, don't get me started: Slap-Chop - got one for Christmas as a joke (I am a knife man) and it was a joke. The opening is too small to handle more than a one person's amount of anything. chunks get stuck in the blades, clogging the works.... The Alessi Philippe Starck lemon juicer, the one that looks like a giant tall spider. Neat looking but it never comes off the design shelf. I use a cheap red plastic one every day however. Microwave ovens. Period. is there anything that can't be reheated almost as fast either using steam, oven, toaster oven or stovetop? (they should design a mini-one about an 8" cube that would heat milk for Bechamel but that is about it.) I have a bad habit of scouring the local trash looking for discarded kitchen implements. and this one astounded me. a Braun electric crepe maker? do we really need this? I could go on. But I'll spare you.
  7. thought I'd add some pictures.
  8. for the past 2 years I've been hoarding a Braun meat grinder attachment and a slicing attachment. Even though when I found them I had no particular use for them, they were made such a classic Braun fashion (quality plastic, the telltale green tops and the cast aluminum bodies) that I figured the matching base might show up someday. And finally, finally at the Sally Anne on Monday Bingo! the Holy Grail! A clean, functioning M32 Multiprocessor base with bowl, whisks and dough hook. So, now that I have an almost complete set, I need to press harder for the few missing bits. Does anyone have any of the above banging around in the kitchen drawer? 1) I have only one slicing insert. (the medium grater) 2) there is supposed to be a tray with plunger that fits into the meat grinder feedtube. I can improvise but it would be nice to have the complete set. those are the main bits, (a friend's mother is donating her pasta making attachment from her own 70s set) though I could eventually use the blender attachment. any ideas on sources? many thanks Peter
  9. got it. it appears to be an attachment for a Braun MX32 blender which in turn appears to be scarce as hens teeth and might never have been released in North America.
  10. is anyone familiar with this attachment? it evidently fits into some kind of blender/motorized base but nothing that I am familiar with. I am trying to figure out what make and model of appliance that this would have fit. It's beautifully made - and looks kind of like a Braun style. any clues?? http://picasaweb.google.com/TOcycles/Grinder# sorry for the link to photos. I can't figure out how I post photos here. can anyone advise?
  11. I am a fairly experienced bread baker but I still have trouble sometime with my shaped loaves sticking to the slider board (is there a technical term for this? is this the "peel" or is that what I use to pull the finished loaves out with?) I use a thin piece of smooth wooden board. maybe my loaves are too moist (and maybe someone can advise on how to determine the optimum moisture before baking.) I typically leave them for about 60-120 minutes to final rise lying on a floured tea towel. anticipating sticking problems, I also usually dust the board with fine cornmeal (as per a pizza) or coarse whole wheat flour. but even today, by time I flipped a loaf onto the board, reached for my blade to slash them... when I went to slide them onto the tiles, the middle half had stuck to the board making sliding impossible and a holy mess of that shaped loaf. any suggestions as to moisture content, or choice of sliding gizmo?? Peter
  12. I've accumulated a batch of Canadian Crown preserving jars and need a little advice before I fill them. I expect there is something similar in the US. These are glass jars with round glass tops that are held in place by a screw-down metal rim (different from Mason jars that have a metal cap with a rubberized underside.) None of these about 2 dozen Crown jars came with rubber seals. But I would have thought that glass-on-glass would not give an airtight seal. Maybe I'm wrong. But I don't want to waste the time and materials doing a batch of preserves that won't keep because I didn't chase down the rubber seals I need. does anyone have any experience with these glass-on-glass jars? Peter
  13. one of these links should show bread shots http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/emailPhoto?...335321702985153 http://picasaweb.google.com/pjstock/Bread?...CO3zv8D7l_imUg# peter
  14. hand kneading. though not overly long. I will have to read up on what kneading time contributes to the bread's character. hmmm, good point. I"ve not been using high gluten flour usually. not easy to find here in Toronto (at least on normal supermarket shelves.) and have not been double steaming. thanks for the suggestions. peter
  15. sorry about the non-photos. for some reason I remember being able to attach photos to posts here but this time around, I can't seem to find the way to do that. am baking at about 400-425 aiming at an internal temp of 200 before taking them out.
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