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Everything posted by skidude72
i believe it has to do with a transfer of molecules between sodium alginate and calcium chloride. Sodium binds with the calcium and forms a calcium membrane.
haha, but how else can i enjoy my snapple with no calories or carbs
I have tried to get miracle fruit for at least 7 months. i had a plant but no matter what i did i couldnt keep it healthy and it died. as for a tidbit of information i remeber reading somewhere that africa is the fruits native country and in the late 70's early 80's a large corperation (which i believe owned sweet and low) slashed and burned thousands of these plants.
Gfron that looks amazing, did you use a chocolate extract to increase the flavor?
I'd Love to see how that turns out, post pics if it works... On another note... has anyone found a source for gluco?
gfron, i believe the issue with chocolate is that chocolate contains calcium which cuases a problem in spherification.
I was wondering if anyone has a good egg nog recipie.... my dad used to make a great egg nog, but i cant figure out which of the 1000+ cookbooks he has it came from, all i remeber is it called for some ridicolous am,ount of brandy/cognac... like 4 fifth. anyways... Any one have a good or classic recipie they would like to share? Thanks.
has any one here tried it. ive had the chocolate hazelnut gelato and the grapefruit sorbeto, both of which were surprisingly good.
this is going to sound like a stupid question... but how do you order from texturas?
I'm curious if anyone has done some more work on with this proccess, if so, do you repeat the process of clarifying with gelatin becuase my broths keep tasting very watered down and bland.
Bryan your always one step (or many) ahead of me. I've been trying to figure out this clear broth concept since i started to see it at ideasinfood.
another idea, are there any stabilizers i could use that would keep the ice cream cold to give me more time to refreeze the ice cream before it melts completly. also i'm thinking of doing a cylinder shape and rolling the ice-cream across molten sugar which has been poured onto a silpat this way i will have a thinner layer of sugar and hopefully the ice cream wont get as hot and melt (too much).
how bout corn starch or agar agar as thickening agents instead of gelatin so the ice cream shapes better. i think i will try this with a normal ice cream base, as well as a more vanilla flavored version of ideas in food version and see how it comes out, also maybe for the traditional base which is going to be a more liquid use 12-14 grams of methocel...
actually for cavis ive had decent success, ui ordered 30 syringes off a web drug store, and built a contraption to make large quantities of cavis (by copying you i feel smarter ) the area were im having issue is creating egg sized orbs.
It was the ideas in food recipie. ill probably tweak the recipie tonight see if i can come up with a more vanilla flavored recipie. my other question is what prevents creating hot ice cream with a more traditional ice cream base, such as custard?
ok so my result was mixed...the ice cream didnt really hold shape, and was a little water-y... also it needed about 2 minutes to cool or it was too jelly like. another issue was my ice cream tasted like... cheese cake, so i think i need less cream cheese next time, maybe use a pinch of agar to stiffen the base, and add a lot more vanilla.
K8memphis, those caviar are beatiful... mine always come out with a very wet appearence, yours are dry and individual and glisten, fantastic. So last night i tried my first version of my apple cider orbs, i trippled the amount of mulling spices than in normal spiced cider, and added a good amount of amber agave syrup which i think complemented the cider. i froze about have of the cider to try that approach and did the others by hand. The taste was dead on, tasted great, but i couldnt get orbs ...they were sloppy and un-appealing. the mixture i froze turned into... jello which didnt form a membrane and in boiling wter didnt revert back to liquid. so any one have suggestions on forming better orbs and or the freezing technique. P.S. Bryan in terms of philosophical problems... most of the dinner will be classic, im duing six very small courses that are MG themed for my senior project and becuase i find it cool.
I second the odawalla statement. balanced and less acidic flavored than tropicana.
Bringing a thread back from the dead... anyways, one of my current projects is creating a MG themed set of dishes for thanksgiving this year, one dish i really want to try to create is a spiced apple cider orb, served on a bed of flavored whipped cream. here is my question, a is there anyway for me to really enhance the flavors, ( im thinking maybe reduce the cider bass slightly) and other than calcium citrate is there anything else i can use to balance the Ph, on the grounds that as a broke teenager i cant get ahold of any calcium citrate in time. Thanks Tyler
Great... 18... when i called a welding shop about liquid nitrogen i was like im 17 and they hung up on me... o well ill get my mom to get me some althoughj i have no idea where the nearestbaskin robbins is... P.S im loving the elipse
Actually I'm doing both. I'm using thanks giving as the applied piece of my senior project which has to do withy scince trends in food (ie molecular gastronomy) im doing six dishes, one oif which hot ice cream which i havent come up ith something to pair it with yet. but i want to caremlize cold ice cream to play with texture more and for more "shock" value. my current idea is to make scoops of maple ice cream and put themback into the freezer, then right befor ei carmelize them put them into a ziplock bag and cover with dry ice to "superfreeze" them so they will remain frozen after being subjected to molten sugar.
My fear in using a creme brulee torch is that subjecting the ice cream to 500 plus degree heat would melt it very quickly and it would take me to long to do each scoop, while the dipping into molten sugar is fast and i might be able to keep the ice cream frozen. another idea I'm having is to caramelize sugar on the back of a taple spoon and place it on top of the ice cream scoop. but if i can make it work the shell still seems like the coolest option.
hmmm... i did this one a smaller scale with vanilla ice cream into molten sugar (310 degrees) with no bad reaction and it tasted pretty good... the problem was the ice cream melted within a minute of being dipped. id love to try to blow a sugar "balloon" but i have no idea how too. any advice would be appreciated. Thanks Tyler P.S. yes im going for a creme brulee type crust
For thanksgiving one idea i had was to pair a pumpkin chiffon pie with a caramelized maple ice cream. my idea... as of now.. is to freeze the maple ice cream with dry-ice and dip it into molten sugar and then quickly place it back into the freezer before it melts. Current issues... obtaining food grade dry ice. does anybody have any ideas on another way to do this or where to get dry-ice... Thanks Tyler
After reading through this topic ive come up with a plan of action... IM going to follow the ideas in food recipe, because i want vanilla flavored ice cream. first I'm going to mix all the primary ingredients and blend. ill let the mixture sit overnight in the refrigerator to let any air bubbles surface. the next day ill boil water add the methocel and mix that into the base, again ill let it sit overnight to release any air bubbles. day three ill poach the ice cream and see how it comes out. P.S. i only have SG A7C which has the same gelling temperature as SG A150 but a higher viscosity. so my question is do you think it will help or hurt the texture.