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    Monterey Bay area
  1. The OP's query is: why does the HB egg get a green ring after a few days... not how to HB an egg. I have the same question. I already know how to boil the perfect egg....
  2. Today, at my local Costco, Vita-Mix is doing the demo, selling only the basic outfit for $394.99. This is the same $449 outfit from Vita-Mix.
  3. Stephen - Just get the Vita-Mix at Costco - you can always return it if you're dissatisfied. I'll bet you keep it and won't look back.
  4. Have you tried cinderblock?
  5. When I can find really fresh young ginger, I buy a lot. Scrape w/ spoon, and puree in Vita-mix w/ a just enough water to get it going. Vacuum seal in mason jar (hole/electrical tape on lid) and refrigerate. Keeps for months and is ready to go for all those Asian recipes. Unfortunately, this trick does not work for garlic.
  6. I'm in Santa Cruz, which is a few towns away from Gilroy. At Costco, the tubs of Christopher Ranch peeled garlic are organically grown. Someday, if I ever find a need for several lbs. of garlic,....
  7. I nibble on it also, in the same spirit as beef jerky or tater chips. (what would I do without Costco's Kirkland...)
  8. After my experience with their customer service policies, I have vowed to never purchase anything from them again.
  9. http://www.rei.com/category/4500454
  10. I always have a wok lid handy whenever cooking with a wok, to put out potential fires. I've had it happen indoors on a stove... scary.
  11. London Broil (round steak) Sushi Grade tuna (?)
  12. Be sure your homeowner's fire insurance is up to date.
  13. I've been wanting to try this ever since I saw the tubs of organic garlic at Costco, but always wondered about the bots/storage thing. Is there a disadvantage to doing this on the stovetop instead of in the oven?
  14. The Sitram Catering frypans do have shallow and steep sides, so are not good if you're flipping omelettes. Their advantage is there is more cooking area in relation to the overall pan size.
  15. I'm amazed at how much All-Clad goes for nowadays, and that people are willing to pay for it. I owned A-C back in the day before it became popular - it wasn't available in consumer stores then, and I got mine at a restaurant supply house. There were a few things that irritated me - I don't like rivets inside, and the rims were not made for pouring. I gave them away and replaced them with Sitram's Catering Line, most of which I also got at a restaurant supply house when it went out of business. I've never had a problem with warping, but then I never use high heat with AC or Sitram. High heat is reserved for the wok, Bourgeat black steel, and cast iron. I do have a few non-stick pans, but avoid them when possible. (I now use the a Bourgeat black steel pan for omelettes.) So, for me All-Clad is waste of money - not because it's not good, but because it's now way overpriced. For less money, I'll take Sitram's Catering line, or Bourgeat's Excellence line anytime.
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