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Peter the eater

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Everything posted by Peter the eater

  1. Peter the eater

    lamb innards

    Interesting. When you ask for lamb fries at the other end of The Commonwealth you don't get liver. That's what I think it is, isn't it? there were a lot of screwed up faces when I mentioned rocky mountain oysters to my hosts, so I don't thin they make an appearance in rural New South Wales. If I actually liked offal (other than heart which I've not had in years anyway) the kebabs mentioned by sheepish sound delicious. Yes it is. And given the low price I'm surprised they're not more popular. I'm one of those "I'll try anything once" cooks and in this case maybe once is enough. By far my fave offal from lamb is the sweetbreads.
  2. Peter the eater

    lamb innards

    Interesting. When you ask for lamb fries at the other end of The Commonwealth you don't get liver.
  3. Peter the eater

    lamb innards

  4. What does one do with aloe vera?
  5. Thanks and yes it will be a Mex centric dinner Is this where the frog legs come in?
  6. Salmon can go with cranberries or blueberries. Ceviche gets citrus.
  7. I don't think I've ever made a meatloaf probably because of unpleasant childhood memories. You have inspired me to move on. Happy Anniversary to you both. Are there deep-rooted cunilary traditions from Mexico we can look forward to?
  8. Your kitchen is exquisite and I like those words from Julia Child above the sink. What are your thoughts on Rick Bayless?
  9. What a spectacular place to run. I had a feeling that place was Mayan, and shortly thereafter, another feeling that this must be a place of fascinating food.
  10. As would I. Hurricane Juan in 2003 gave us a similar choice and we all lived. As I recall, we refroze the semi-frozen meats and cooked the mushy. Just don't feed anyone who might sue.
  11. Acorn squash with walnuts? At work? Is that a Bic 7mm HB mechanical pencil?
  12. May I ask, how many days a week do you make it veggie? Is this the easiest time of the year?
  13. Peter the eater


    Never cooked the stuff. But there was a guy down the shore with a substantial red abalone aquaculture operation. Not sure if he's still in business but I used to see him at the market and I enjoyed a few samples. His advice was to cut as thin as possible across the muscle and to cook it at as little as possible, raw being the best.
  14. Cheeky lobster, voluptuos tomato, Irene and Soba. Sounds like the perfect storm.
  15. Interesting. My bakery translated the item to "Nun Farts" but now I'm thinking it could easily be "Sister Farts". Either way, it's an unfortunate name for such a delicasy.
  16. I heard that Ben & Jerry's tried to sell Chunky Monkey ice cream in Japan, and that it never took off because it translated into "Chunks of Monkey". Myth?
  17. SylviaLovegren, they were exquisite. They looked like this and smelt delish.
  18. Yesterday we visited a wonderful Acadian bakery in Shediac, New Brunswick, Canada. Pretty sure it's a one-of-a-kind family business, based on the faces and ages of the workers. We bought lots including a buttery donutty item called Pets Soeur. In English that would be Nun Farts.
  19. I too like the stuffed, rolled and roasted option. Garlic and onion softened in olive oil with rosemary and mint on the inside.
  20. It can if you're not driving a car. To really save money take the right amount of cash and no credit card.
  21. Very entertaining topics! I've got a lump of honeycomb from a local apiary in the back of my fridge. I bought the slab-in-a-tub probably eight or nine years ago and its giving the gift. I'm not sure honey ever expires, or if it éven needs to be refrigerated.
  22. Well put. What a market! I'd get some baby abalone and razor clams to start. Can you find sea cukes there? BTW, ten out of ten for the uni on toast with lardo. Seafood and extreme cheese, thank you.
  23. No. Most people I know (including myself) should probably eat less animals. When we do, we ought to be ethical but we have to be practical. We're seven billion and counting. Honestly, I'm more grateful for the choices than I am troubled about the consequences.
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