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Posts posted by lgault

  1. I don't have a picture for proof but my worst looking, best-loved cookbook would have to be Bayou Cuisine. I think the Indianola, Mississippi Episcopal Church put it out in the 70's. It talks about the Spanish and French influence on the Mississippi Delta and has great recipes. My pages are stuck together on the "Oysters Johnny Reb." A recipe that's been at my family's holiday table since I can remember.

  2. #5, besides the afore mentioned clues, there are 4 primary characters, 1 female lead, 2 female supporting, and 1 male supporting. The movie was released in 1989 and all 4 actors have  won Academy Awards for other works.(one best actress and the other 3 for best supporting)

    New item ;

    " Salt, pepper, granulted garlic....mayonnaise,...of course,"

    "  Of course,now for the important question,'Do you have a position on pickles?' "

    "Oh it's more of a deeply held belief actually"

    "Oh really, a pickle conviction , um.... go ahead"

    "When it comes to tuna fish, I am emphatically anti-pickle"

    Truth about CAts & Dogs?

  3. Runaway Bride?

    ...there's a trivia bonus for behind the scenes of the film ("How'd they do that?") involving Jello

    I think I finally got one...

    The Ten Commandments. They used Jello to part the red sea.

    So here's another...

    "And two fried eggs, two poached eggs, two scrambled eggs, and two medium-boiled eggs."

    "And two hard-boiled eggs."

  4. #10 is Clueless

    This is an updated recap of what is still in play:

    1. a ritz cracker and chopped liver

    2. Egg yolk, a turkey drumstick, and birthday cake?  Further clues to this movie: A cook making horrible pancakes and fried eggs while the dancing dishwasher flings plates at him; and eating popcorn while watching the movie Dumbo.

    3. a spaghetti-proof bib, two pork chops and a few slaps round the chops........

    4. At the beginning of the film: milk & crackers.

    Towards the end of the film: "No milk & crackers."

    (Inbetween the two there was gelato, champagne & cold coffee)

    5. how about a disgusting bony,lethal chinese meal??

    6. A large ham CLUE: about the size of a little girl

    7. A pint of chocolate ice cream, eaten directly from the container, and a bowl of Wheaties with milk. Neither got finished.

    8. Bacon, lettuce (only the soft parts), and tomato with mayonnaise on pumpernickel toast (with the crusts cut off).

    9. what's the name of the movie that featured, among a variety of food items, bread and butter.

    10. A roll of Pillsbury cookie dough in the oven.

    11. A ruined dinner, and chocolate chocolate chip ice cream to apologize.

    12. Tuna noodle casserole for Sunday dinner, and hot chocolate and lemon drops before bed.  (Movie also contains catfish,and popcorn. )

    13. Pie and sausages, POPOVERS and coffee... and everything

    14. "You know in Cambodia, you could get a lobster dinner for a dollar".


    If I missed any or if some have been solved, please PM me.

  5. Here's what i've got...

    1. It takes two

    2. Super Troopers

    3. When Harry met Sally

    4. Something about Mary

    5. Lady and the Tramp?

    6. Repo Man

    7. Soylent Green?

    8. NOt a CLUE

    9. Secret of my success?

    A lot has gone on since this morning!  Great work, everyone!

    Ludja:  I am going to disqualify myself on yours because I get the feeling we've both referred to the movie mit those disgusting Aalen, nein?

    And though I didn't see the movie, the cleaning out of the fridge blind-folded seems to be a reference to 9 1/2 Weeks or days or hours....

    Here's what remains, though I'd guess folk in The Netherlands would scratch their heads and shrug at number 2 wondering how it could possibly be memorable.

    As for 3, the movie was clearly recalled, but never named.  It's something I don't know, so please clue in the clueless.

    1. Peanut butter and ground beef

    2. French fries and gravy

    3. "Huge coconut cake with the tiers, and ...very rich chocolate sauce on the side."

    4. "Beans and franks! Beans and franks!"

    5. One long piece of spaghetti

    6. "Plate O' Shrimp"

    7.  Cans of generic "Food"

    8.  Eels, eel pie, eels, eels, eels.....

    And while I think this is kind of obvious, there are some above whose posters thought everyone would guess promptly, yet they're still on the list!  So.....

    9. Forbidden Fruit: a big, juicy grape

  6. Barcelona is a great city with a ton of culinary options. I love Abac. The chef does amazing things with suckling pig and goat. Raco d'en Freixa is great. The chef is young and rising and the restaurant garners some attention. I am, though, a huge fan of Charles Gaig. It is an amazing mix classic catalan with the new techniques. Wandering around eating in Barcelona is one of my favorite things to do. Cal Pep is fun and young, but I prefer Taller de Tapas. It is my favorite Tapas place in the city.

    When I was there in September, I stumbled across a fabulous little gem called Semprillana (not sure of the spelling). The chef/owner was a woman and the food was fabulous!

    Off to BCN in April and trying to do my research.

    Firstly it is clear that Hisop and Cinc Sentits get positive reviews from the slew of non-michelin starred establishments.

    Abac and Raco d'en Freixa (RF) are both rising stars in this years Michelin.

    I have already made a request to Sant Pau for Sunday lunch.

    So with 2 possible dinners (allowing for no dinner on Sunday night), the question is which of these I go for?

    Abac has a thread which gives me a positive feel.

    A search for "Freixa" returns no results so what is it with RF - any views?

    Sauc also seems to get good reviews.

    Here's my proposal: Hisop and Abac? Is this the best way to go if I choose one michelin and one non-michelin place?

  7. It's true that most recipes for Jezebel Sauce call for apple jelly, pineapple preserve, dried mustard and horseradish. It is very yummy and that lovely sweet, spicy mix that goes great with a variety of cheeses or smoked meats. It is this sticky link to my childhood and for some reason I just have to know where it originated. I'm going to check out that Biloxi Herald article right now.

    But, if y'all find anything or hear anything - Please let me know.

  8. I guess I don't really know much about much when it comes down to it. I've grown up and continue to live in the Mississippi Delta. I always loved church potlucks and dinners on the ground here and one reason was because of Jezebel sauce. All the little church ladies would bring it out to accompany smoked meats or adorn soft cream cheese and a Triscuit. It always struck me as odd that a sauce named after a biblical harlot who was thrown out of a window and consequently eaten by dogs would be so popular at church functions. But it was...

    My question? Does anyone out there know the history of Jezebel sauce and it there is a connection between it and Henry Baines sauce?

    Thanks y'all!

  9. Restaurant Berasategui at Guggenheim


    Lightly baked egg on a ratte potato bed,

    Dressed with kalamata olive oil and red peppers nectar

    Roast Vine tomato stuffed with baby squids,

    With a black risotto and fresh cream

    Roast fish of the day, with a tender almonds puree, tomato juice emulsion and fresh herbs

    Glazed veal jaw,

    Served with polenta and dried tomato, black olives and milk emulsion

    Morsels of caramelized apple,

    Floating in a cream of eggs yolk and Tahiti vanilla, served with coconut ice-cream

    Curd of pistachio,

    With juice of concentrated coffee and cream


    White “Viña Cantosán” 2003

    D.O. Rueda

    Red “Azpilicueta” crianza 2001

    Bodegas AGE

    D.O. Ca Rioja

    Corn bread

    Mineral water

    Coffee and Petit fours

    DAY 7 (29/9)




    Aperitivo en la terraza ni nos lo permite el día, sino en la caseta Vino Blanco

    Pending option Fillaboa 2004

    D.O rias Baixas Gran Caus 2002

    D.O Penedes

    VERDURAS ASADAS Y CRUDAS, BROTES Y HOJAS, SILVESTRES Y CULTIVADAS, aliñadas con mantequilla avellana y salpicadas de semillas y pétalos. Aderezo «generoso» de queso Emmental.

    VEGETABLES, OVEN ROASTED AND RAW, SPROUTS AND GREENS, wild and cultivated, seasoned with browned butter and dusted with seeds and petals. “Emmental”cheese generously seasoned.

    TALLOS DE BORRAJA blanqueados en un caldo natural de moluscos. Pétalos de ajos encurtidos y flores de borraja.

    BORAGE STALKS blanched in a shellfish bouillon. Pickled garlic petals and borage flowers.

    NATA QUEMADA Y CUAJADA con brotes de higo y pulpa de cítricos rebozada en ceniza de verduras y algas.

    BURNED AND CURDLED CREAM with fig shoots and citric fruit powdered with ashes of vegetables and seaweed. Vino Blanco Castillo Monjardín Rva 2000

    D.O Navarra Guitian Sobre Lias 2004

    D.O Valdeorras Terras Gauda Etiqueta negra 2002

    D.O Rias Baixas

    CHIPIRON DE ANCUELO SALTEADO, “CARBÓN VEGETAL” y brotes dulces acompañados con una “caseína de ajos”.

    SAUTED LINE-CAUGHT BABY SQUID, “VEGETABLE CARBON” and sweet shoots accompanied by a “garlic casein”.

    ESCALOPE DE FOIEGRAS TOSTADO. Nata fresca de soja y romero. Emulsión desgrasada de levadura.

    TOASTED FOIE GRAS ESCALOPE. Fresh soya and thyme cream Skimmed yeast emulsion. Generoso Matusalen Oloroso

    D.O Jerez Matusalen Oloroso

    D.O Jerez Matusalen Oloroso

    D.O Jerez

    LOMO DE SALMONETE TOSTADO Y REPOSADO. Confitura salada de pescados de roca y azafrán. Granos de sal gris.

    LOIN OF RED MULLET "GOATFISH," TOASTED AND RESTED. Savory confit of rockfish and saffron. Grains of grey salt.

    Vino Tinto

    Casa La Ermita 2001

    D.O Jumilla Lynus 2002

    D.O Ribera del Duero Alion 1999

    D.O Ribera del Duero

    PECHUGA DE PICHÓN con la bechamel cremosa de nuez moscada[sin grasa y sin harina]. Corteza de leche y mantequilla.

    ROASTED PIGEON BREAST draped with a false milk skin and a nutmeg bechamel sauce. [no fat and no flour].

    Torrija empapada en nata y yema de huevo, tOSTADA A LA SARTÉN Y CARAMELIZADA, crema helada elaborada con leche cruda.

    French Toast soaked in egg yolk, SAUTE BROWNED and caramelised accompanied by a reduced milk ice cream. Vino Dulce

    Moscatel Sarasate

    D.O Navarra

    M.R Moscatel 2003

    D.O Malaga Molino Real 2002

    D.O Malaga

    CILINDRO HELADO DE CACAO acompañado de una crema de almendras y otra de chocolate y lima.

    A CYLINDER OF CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM accompanied by a cream of almonds, another chocolate and lime.

    Restaurant Euskadi in Espelette

    A l’arrivée : Sangria Maison

    MENU Pipérade Basquaise

    Tripoxa Maison

    Axoa d’Espelette

    Pommes sautées

    Fromage de Brebis avec

    Confiture de Cerises noires

    Koka Maison


    Irouleguy rouge

    Pipérade Basquaise Œufs brouillés accompagnés d’une sauce tomate basquaise avec ail, oignon et piment, servi avec une tranche de jambon de Bayonne poëlée.

    Tripoxa Maison Petit boudin de veau ou de mouton, accompagné d’une sauce tomate relevée au Piment d’Espelette.

    Axoa d’Espelette Le plat le plus typique du village : viande de veau coupée en petits dés, revenue avec oignon et piment frais, assaisonnée au Piment d’Espelette.

    Restaurant Arzak


    Entretenimientos Arzak

    Calabacín kéfir y frutas atomizadas

    Carabineros en césped

    ó .

    Huevo del momento

    Pescado del día

    Carne (cordero)

    Degustación de postres de la casa

    Café con chocolates artesanos


    Blanco: Gran Feudo Chardonnay. Bodegas Julián Chivite. Navarra.

    Tinto: Arzak 1998. La Rioja Alta S.A.

  10. I was in San Sebastian for 3 days as part of a CIA tour that included Barcelona. We had an unbelievable luch at the Guggenheim in Bilboa and then bussed it to San Sebastian. We had pintxos the first night and ended the tapas crawl at La Cuchara de San Telmo whose owners used to work at El Bulli. We had an amazing rabbit dish and a caramelized foie gras at like $3 a plate. The next day we lunched at one of the gastronomic societies on a beautiful pisto and a lot of hard sour cider while the president sang "old Man River" to me. That night dinner was at Mugaritz where we toured the garden with Aduriz. He had us a taste a bud used in the amazon to deaden the mouth (toothaches) and used it with an herb salad where each herb was placed individually on the plate with tweezers and we were directed in which direction we should eat the salad to get the perfect taste. Then we deadened our mouth with the bud before the next course. We crossed over the border to France the next day to visit Espelette and sample their famous peppers before returning to San Sebatian for dinner at Arzak. Arzak was the most amazing meal I have ever eaten. I have never seen anything quite like the pantry at Arzak. Elena and her father were charming and the food! I will put the menus on another post if you're interested.

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