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Posts posted by ojisan

  1. I always have a jar of Jaymes' salsa in the fridge - it's versatile, easy and cheap. And everybody loves it.

    - canned organic tomatoes

    - chipotle en adobo, or roasted jalapeño, or roasted habanero

    - garlic salt (1:3 garlic:salt, by weight) - Costco granulated garlic

    - lemon juice

    - olive oil

    - cilantro

  2. What is the purpose of using margarine? What does it do that olive/canola/grapeseed/etc. wouldn't do?

    Also, what is purpose of degreasing if there won't be pan gravy?

    Just curious....

  3. I don't mean to imply that the Globals have a bad rep - they're a genuine step up from the usual Henkels/Wustrof/etc genre. It's just that the knifophiles would chose something like the Hiromoto AS line instead without hesitation. But don't take one person's opinion - the Knifeforum offers great info from everyone, from novice to the crazy-obsessed. Jump in and ask questions - they're a friendly group.

    Something else to consider: any knife is dependent on how well it's sharpened. Plan on spending at least as much on sharpening tools as on the knives.

  4. A few of us have been fiddling with the kimchi recipes in David Chang's Momofuku cookbook. I made the oi kimchi -- a quick pickle -- and loved it, and so I decided to take the plunge and make a batch of paechu kimchi

    Chris - Can you post an update on the Momofuku paechu, and your opinion? Momofuku is a bit vague regarding proportions and ingredients:

    - Are you using kochukaru that is 100% pepper, or is pepper+salt? I noted that some brands include salt.

    - What was the weight of the nappa?

    - How much is "20 slices of ginger", by weight?

  5. My local Walmart carries them and from time to time puts them on sale.

    However, they are available on line from several vendors, including


    After buying these Ball lids from Amazon, I found them at my local hardware store (Orchard Supply), not on sale, for $3.99 a box of 8 regular, and $4.99 a box of 8 wide.

  6. The recipe comes from Colonel A.R. Kenny-Herbert's (a.k.a. Wyvern) 1885 book "Culinary Jottings for Madras." It is his version of a "household curry powder."

    4 lbs. of turmeric ... ... Hind, huldi.

    8 lbs. of coriander-seed ... ,, dhunnia.

    2 lbs. of cummin-seed ... ,, jeera.

    1 lb. of poppy-seed... ... ,, khush-khush.

    2 lbs. of fenugreek ... ... ,, maythi.

    1 lb.. of dry-ginger... ... „ sont.

    1/2 lb. of mustard-seed ... ,,. rai.

    1 lb. of dried chillies ... ,, sooka mirrch.

    1 lb. of black pepper corns. ,, kala mirrch."

    Could you clarify:

    - fenugreek: leaves, or seed?

    - mustard seed: yellow or black? Or does it matter?

    - dried chilies: what kind?

  7. I've seen lots of recipes and have ideas of my own, but have no clue what to do with the extra if I don't cook it all! Help!

    Assuming you're using fresh tofu (as opposed to the retort-boxed variety), the best way to eat soft/silken or regular tofu is hiyayakko - so, if you have any leftovers, serve up the leftovers as an appetizer.

  8. In California, a water packed tub is usually 14 - 16 oz., depending on the brand and also which kind: soft (silken), regular (medium firm), firm (extra firm) or yaki.

  9. I buy my spices in bulk from the local health food store - they're fresher and much cheaper than the major brand stuff at the supermarkets.

    I keep small quantities of the few everyday spices in recycled Spice Island/Schilling bottles. I'm thinking a masala dabba would be handy.

    My bulk spices and spices I don't use often are in mason jars (mainly 1/2 pt), vacuum sealed w/ Foodsaver. Hole punched in lids is covered w/ electrical tape to easily break the vacuum.

  10. Attaching the office vacuum cleaner to this - importantly the exhaust of the vacuum cleaner - did indeed dramatically speed up the lighting and establishment of a good grilling fire.

    In fact, with the turbo running, it produced a spectacularly good imitation of a blacksmith's forge ... and consumed charcoal at a prodigious rate.

    If you want to wake up a somnolent portion of your charcoal grill, an electric hairdryer can be a useful tool ...

    I'm visualizing a nice uniform coating of ashes on my food....

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