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Everything posted by ojisan

  1. https://www.bamix.com/en/home.html
  2. I use Tamaki Gold for sushi, and also for risotto (which I cook in a stovetop pressure cooker.)
  3. As I recall, the new edition was not changed from the original - the new preface says the original text is still valid and didn't need updating.
  4. Personally, I don't toss the food by yanking the wok backwards - instead I use the spatula and ladle. But what do I know - I'm just an amateur.
  5. Could you please share the reason(s) why this is so?
  6. And here is the page for the flat bottom version, with the same description and picture as the round bottom wok. Note that when you select a wok size it will tell you how much it weighs.
  7. Wokshop's website uses the same description for both the round and flat bottom versions - there is a separate page to order the flat bottom version. The link I gave goes to the page that clearly says "round bottom". There is also a separate "commercial" page for 18" and larger size versions of the same wok.
  8. The link should go here: https://wokshop.com/store/detail.php?show=37
  9. @jemartin - You might want to consider a 16" - 18" carbon steel wok such as this one. I have an Eastman Big Kahuna burner and a 16" spun steel wok (I think made by Atlas Metal Spinning) that has two welded-on steel handles, and pairs well w/ the Big Kahuna. [Trivia: PF Chang was started by Philip Chang, son of Cecilia Chang (of The Mandarin fame).]
  10. I've stopped buying Costco steaks for this reason. I'm not going to cook a prime ribeye or top loin at 160º.
  11. I've bought most of my knives from Japanese Chefs Knife. Flat $7 shipping and your knife arrives in about 4 business days. Pay w/ credit card. https://japanesechefsknife.com If for some reason you have to return your knife, there is a Seattle address. I've had zero problems buying from them (him, actually - his name is Koki.)
  12. I have the original Anova (Anova One) and the bluetooth Anova Precision. Advantages of the One is being able to set the temp to 1/10 º vs. 1/2 º for the Precision. Also, I have no use for bluetooth. Setting the timer on the One is easy, but is so convoluted on the Precision that I use a separate timer.
  13. http://www.chefknivestogo.com/shglstforedp.html
  14. A hammer works for me.
  15. Williams Sonoma is closing out the Classic for $56 ($80 - 30%). I got it 2 months ago when it was $60 https://www.williams-sonoma.com/products/bamix-classic-immersion-blender/?pkey=e|bamix|8|best|0|1|24||1&cm_src=PRODUCTSEARCH
  16. A dim sum favorite - Spareribs w/ black beans and garlic: https://www.hippressurecooking.com/phils-chinese-pork-with-garlic-fermented-black-beans-reader-recipe/ My contribution to the xlnt hippressurecooking.com website. You will have to adjust the time to compensate for an electric PC.
  17. I use an Edge Pro Pro with Shapton Glass Stones, which I find to be notably more efficient than the EPs. They're twice the cost, but they're also twice as thick, and I only use 2 grits - 320 and 1K.
  18. The Edge Pro referred to in this thread, and founded by Ben Dale, is located in Hood River, OR. http://www.edgeproinc.com
  19. ojisan

    Seafood stock help

    Have you tried dashi? [Google seafood stock dashi ] Instant dashi and/or dried niboshi, katsuobushi and kombu are pantry staples and keep well.
  20. Salmon was not a fish traditionally used for sushi or sashimi*. I don't know if it was natively found in Japan. Salmon was not considered safe for raw consumption due to parasites because it's not strictly a saltwater fish. I don't know if farmed salmon is affected. I recall that when salmon was used, it was lightly smoked or salted, supposedly to kill parasites. Sushi rice, and its preparation is very important to the final taste of great sushi. I think home cooks underestimate its importance. * There is a wonderful book, "Sushi" by Masuo Yoshino (1985 published by Gakken) that lists 40 fish toppings and salmon is not one of them. However, there is mention of chirahshi-zushi that includes smoked salmon as an ingredient.
  21. The Chuck is the front shoulder, next to the Rib section, and the cut called Blade Cut Chuck Roast, which is right next to the rib, contains a portion of the rib eye muscle. On top of the blade bone is the cut called the Flatiron, and the section below the bone contains the Chuck Eye. So the cheapest way to buy an Chuck Eye is to buy a Blade Cut Chuck roast, separate out the Eye (and the Flatiron) and use the remainder for chili or burgers. The hardest part is identifying that particular cut next to the rib section. [I learned everything I know about meat cuts from a 1975 book by Merle Ellis called Cutting-Up in the Kitchen.]
  22. The replacement DLC-7 blade arrived today. I'm disappointed that it is no longer designed to not ride up the spindle while operating. The inside sleeve of the old version was designed to lock into slots on the spindle, so when it spins, the blade will not ride upwards. The new blade lacks this feature. Don't know if this will be an issue in actual use. Meanwhile, I just noticed that the one of the bowl's slots is cracked where it locks onto the tab of the base. It's always something....
  23. Build a wall. Make the ants pay for it.
  24. Jiro Ono: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/1942993277/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_3?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER
  25. I'd recommend two books: - Quick & Easy Tsukemono < http://amzn.to/1RXClYa > - Nancy Singleton Hachisu's Preserving the Japanese Way < http://amzn.to/1RXCwmt > If you buy a small tsukemono-ki, I suggest a spring-loaded type instead of the screw type, for constant pressure. The veggies are only in there for a day or so, then transferred to a jar into the fridge. For larger quantities, I use storage containers - I'm currently making umeboshi, using 1.2 kilos of fruit. The fruit and salt go in a Ziplock™ freezer bag, into a 4L round Cambro, then a similar sized Rubbermaid filled with water goes in the Cambro as a weight. (Following Hachisu's recipe).
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