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Posts posted by filipe

  1. That looks and sounds really good. After reading the thread about Lady M's MilleCrepes, I've been wanting to try something like that.

    Thanks Patrick, thanks John.

    About the MilleCrepes...

    Why don't we start a thread about it? Something like "the quest for the best MilleCrepes"? I suggest a Chocolate MilleCrepes, which would give us a lot to work on.

  2. I've done the crepes tonight :)

    As I don't have any crepe-pan they're not perfectly shaped, but I like them this way better. They're a bit too thick as well...

    I've assembled them with the chocolate-caramel ganache (the one form the Pavé), as a MilleCrepes

    Very nice taste (used Valrhona cocoa), they end up being very light and not too sweet, even with the double-choc combination


  3. I hope you have a wonderful time! If you have any questions about patissiers/chocolatiers, feel free to ask.

    Filipe: I had his yuzu tarte. It was amazing! It was the first time I'd eaten yuzu and now I'm filled with ideas for flavor combinations.

    I thought it was amazing too. I had had yuzu for the first time at Megu in NYC, on a chocolate&yuzu cake which was delicious. Since then I've been trying to get some yuzu and I finnaly did, in Paris, at this shop called Sté Kioko (japanese grocery store) at 46, Rue des Petits Champs, which I've found under the wise advice of David Lebowitz.

  4. [For those of you don't read Portuguese, you can try to load/translate the page using Google language tools.  The translation is far from perfect but you can get the gist.  Here's a link: Filipe's partially translated Blog: XOCOLATE

    Dear John,

    thanks a lot for the translation tool... but it's quite depressing reading that english ehehe I guess that it has a lot to do with my use of some uncurrent expressions or oral abreviations on my writings which machines just don't know what they mean/ how to translate them. Anyway, thanks again :)

    Example :


    Penalty this today to tar always to encravar each time q I try to make uploadduma photo.... grrrr! He is p'ra tomorrow.


    It's a shame that today this is allways cracking when I try to upload a photo... grrr!! I'll have to leave it for tomorrow...

  5. As it is not related to this thread i haven't posted them here, but I have more pastry/chocolate pics from Paris, from Patrick Roger, Gerard Mullot, Sadaharu Aoki, among others. You can check them at my blog (written in portuguese unfortunatelly) if you want to, I'm still updating it every day. They're not very good quality pics, but they´re good enough to show the goods :)

  6. Felipe, just seeing the pix from the rue de Vaugirard shop makes me long to be there.  Thanks for giving us something to dream about. 

    As for the caramel-chocolate ganache -- it's one of my favorites, but I think, like everything in pastry, it depends on proportion.  Licking the spoon gives you one sensation and tasting just the right amount of ganache with just the right cake and just the right amount of that cake gives you another.  It's part of what makes baking so delicious -- and so much fun -- don't you think?

    You're wellcome :)

    I couldn't agree more with you Dorie. I'm now willing to try this ganache with other cakes and taste the results. I was a bit aprehensive when I went to do it - I'm not very lucky with caramel. But it turned out to be amazingly easy to do and with an awesome result. I think it will make nice combinations with orange or lemon sponges. Maybe I'll try to use it with the Per Se yuzu genóise....

  7. As promised, here are the pics. Sorry for the reflexes, but it was hard to get it better.



    This is the Rue de Vaugirard shop, designed by the french architect Christian Biecher


    This is the good stuff :)




    And these are some home-taken macaron pictures



    from left to right, front to back :

    Caramel à la Fleur de Sel

    Huile d'Olive et Vanille

    Plénitude (Chocolat et Caramel)

    Mosaïc (macaron vanille, crème pistache à la cannelle, griottines)

    Rose (macaron rose, crème aux pétales de rose)


  8. For me a Tea Room is not just a place where you go to have some tea and eat some pastry/savory items. It's one whole experience.

    As important as the items themselves - bot liquids and solids I mean - the room and the atmosphere play a major part in the whole experience. You can have awesome scones with an awesomely brewed Mariage Fréres tea but if you feel like in a kitchen or like in an ordinary café, all the experience will be ruined. I don't mean that you have to create a traditional british tea room atmosphere, as if you were at the Dorchester or similar. But you have to keep it cosy - low lights, incandescent bulbs (forget fluorescent types and the "energy saving" ones, those are for the kitchen). Nice and warm colours, textures and fabrics. Make it as close as it can get to a living room to where you invite friends for tea. If you start feeling like you're at home, you're in the right track.

  9. You can get Yuzu juice, and other Japanese food products, at:

    Sté Kioko

    46, rue des petit Champs

    Tel: 01 42 61 33 65

    Merci bien David! You were tremendously helpfull! And this place is just one block away from my hotel! Amazing...yuzu so close and me so desperate for it

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