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libertad lubin

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  1. Sweetbeards are a delicate meat that require not just proper technique but that the sweetbeards be of top qulity for best taste. You need a butcher you can trust and talk to. For those of you who live in Manhatten the only butcher I now trust is a former chef, Pino who purchased one of the last Italian butcher shops in Greenwich Village a dozen odd years ago. He personally picks out his own carcasses at the wholesale market and "butchers" these himself, with the help of staff, all trained by him. He not only sells TOP Quality meats he can also tell you how to cook it all.The postage stamp shop is next to St. Anthony's church on Sullivan St. almost corner with Houston St. and right across the street is Joe's Dairy. While I now live in Mexico City I have dared to "smuggle" frozen product from Pino's shop every time I return. So far so good!
  2. As a new resident in the DF but an old hand at driving I would advise taking advantage of the lack of traffic that normally occurs on a Sunday and especially the double blessing of the Christmas holiday. Week day driving is something that I would avoid like the PLAGUE! The Guia Roji is avilable online through the www.reforma.com site. Or if you are a member of AAA get a triptik before you leave the states. The only guide book I use is the Lonely Planet guide which has details and maps that I have always found invaluable. Do keep the do not circulate guide with you, you do not want to be stopped for a traffic infraction. Do check the US govt. site for rules on travel with minor children.Yes you do tip the gas station attendants and keep a roll of paper towels and toilet paper in the car and you'll be considered a true native. Have a wonderful holiday!
  3. Have subscribed to Art Culinaire since the 70's. An incredible visual inspiration and a view of leading chef's focus. Is this then a new format?
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