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ulterior epicure

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Everything posted by ulterior epicure

  1. From FG's initial post (and docsconz's follow-up post), it seems pretty limited to the Food Network chefs who have opened restaurants in New York... otherwise, it seems the majority of posters are limiting the field a bit too much to go beyond those three chefs (i.e. Batali, Flay and Morimoto). I suppose it depends on FG's (or whoever is qualifying this thread's) definition of "celebrity" in relation to "chef." Is regular TV appearances a requirement? What about adverts in print and other media? I agree that Lidia Bastianich should be added, mostly based on the former; numerous PBS appearances. If regular appearances, features, and adverts in print media is included, then certainly you'd have to include Boulud, Ripert, Robuchon, Ducasse (if he counts), and perhaps Keller. Then there are the fringe "celebrities" to the "lay," but certainly rock stars in foodieland, like Dufresne, Matsuhisa, Takayama, Kunz, Samuelsson, and David Chang, etc.... What's the scope here?
  2. Of course, we didn't need joie's excellent round-up or the NY Times to tell us that we have great food. Congrats to Celina Tio, Debbie Gold, the cast and crew at Lidia's, and Colby Garrelts for their work and achievements in making KC a great place to eat. u.e.
  3. One, maybe. Otherwise, crickets from my corner.
  4. FYI, Emily's is no more. ← Really? When did she go?
  5. "multiple examples of ethnic restaurants at or approaching the fine dining level"...Mario's and Andiamo fill that requirement. ← Andiamo is a mediocre "greatest hits of Italian-American cooking" type of restaurant. but anyway. since coming back to the U.S. I've lived in five American cities besides New York and Chicago. every single one of them has local boosters and media who purport that it "has the greatest diversity of ethnic and fine dining outside of New York and Chicago." my guess is that every city in America over a million people (and probably under) claims this. they can't all be right. ← Why not? ← cause the statement is, by definition, an exclusive one. (besides, last time I checked, both San Francisco and L.A. were part of the U.S.) ← Metro-Detroit (Dearborn,actully) has the largest Arabic community in this country. Shouldn't that make people think that maybe we have really,really, really,really good Middle Eastern restaurants, 'cause we do ← Then tell me, why didn't one single Middle Eastern restaurant make it onto your preceding list of Top 50 in Detroit metro? Please don't tell me Mediteranno counts. And, if you're going to go as far as A2 on that list of 50, I personally wouldn't put places like Mediteranno and The Earle on before restaurants like eve, Jeremy Restaurant, and Emily's. Of course, this is your list.
  6. LOL! Welcome back, ChefCAG! FWIW, as one who lived in A2 for a few years, I would actually say that, in some circles, Detroit might actually be a commuter suburb of Ann Arbor!
  7. Yes, I knew that, I just thought it was interesting that he got to do both with "Ratatouille." I've only seen previews, but everyone who's seen it (not you, included) highly recommends it. u.e.
  8. Frank Bruni, NY Times Restaurant Critic cum Movie Critic.
  9. Thanks, Milt, for your update. I've not been to MelBee's in a long while and have been wondering what is up over there. Hope you enjoyed your trip through the Heartland!
  10. What news, if any, on Kahan's gastropub venture? When is it (or is it?) slated to open?
  11. I second philadining's suggestion. Where do I apply?
  12. Thanks, dagordon, but I still think I'm missing something - the Oyster with oatmeal and raisins course.
  13. dagordon. Thanks for reporting. Are these out of order, by any chance? What is the swoosh of green (peas?) with what looks like slices of corned beef on top? What, exactly, did they do with the Humboldt Fog? It looks like it was made into a cheesecake. u.e.
  14. Very exciting indeed, and much anticipated by moi. Thanks tacovender! Welcome to our parts.
  15. To be sure, my earlier poo-pooing of Il Laboratorio was based on one visit. But, it sounds like I'm certainly not alone in the observation on service. As for their gelato, I wasn't impressed. Yes, you do! I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on Il Laboratorio/GROM post-Capogiro.
  16. Congratulations Colby and Megan. All the happiness to your family. And, to all those eGulleters, it bears mentioning that I was in the dining room at bluestem for the 12-course "Chef's Spontaneous" menu. While I'm sure the anxiety-wrecked daddy-to-be could have churned out an amazing meal, I was equally dazzled by his worthy Chef de Cuisine, Dave Crum. See all the pictures here..
  17. I'll let others make suggestions on what to get, but beware that on weekends, the crowds, pushing, and sometimes elbowing can be terrible at Zabar's. That's pretty much true of Fairway on 75th St., too. But in a brief trip, go to Zabar's when you can. ← Oh, I don't know, I kinda think that the surly crowds and often gruff service is part of the *charm* of Zabar's.
  18. Since Chef Poli is no longer with Butter, I took the liberty of starting another thread on the Southwestern forum about his future endeavor there. Ronnie, I hope you, for one, would indulge my inquiry about Chef Poli over there.
  19. It's been known for quite some time that Chef Ryan Poli (formerly of Butter in Chicago) is headed to Scottsdale soon. Does anyone have any idea when/where/what the restaurant will be? I'm sorry to have missed Chef Poli's cooking in Chicago, but I look forward to eating with him in the near future down in sunny Arizona.
  20. Finally made it to El Taconazo this past week! I ordered their 5 taco plate. The choices were quite staggering - at least twelve different meat fillings. I ordered the cabeza, lengua, tripa, and buche (which we thought were jowl meat, but later after some due diligence, I discovered it was pork stomach). They were out of cesos. My friend ordered the gorditos (2) - the chicherones and the chorizo con patates. You can see the pictures here on my flickr.
  21. IIRC, our hired "server" took care of pouring wine, clearing dishes, and general bussing. The only food item I recall that she was "in charge of" was our cheese coures.
  22. Yep, stand-offish, and occasionally very very forgetful, is how I would characterize my worst service experiences at the restaurant. I don't know if it's a way of affecting the American perception that French restaurant service is supposed to be that way, but I don't find it particularly authentic to the (real) French restaurant m.o.. Nor do I find those instances fair representations, unfortunately, of Aixois' service when it is at its best, which can be quite pleasant.
  23. Just wanted to throw Aixois into that mix.....great food (veal liver, duck confit salad), good service and setting........ ← Great throw-in, Z. Given that I've not been to either Cafe Provence or Cafe des Amis (another French restaurant in Parkville), I would say that Tatsu's and Aixois are both great options for French dining in KC. I take exception, however, to Aixois' service, which, from my half-dozen visits or so over the past three-four years, has been very uneven. I've had decent service there and I've had horrible service there. Tatsu's service is always great. There's not a whole lot of variety at Tatsu's (as there apparently seems to be over at Le Fou Frog), but the kitchen does a solid job on everything that comes out. They do have some offal (sweetbreads) and variety cuts (braised oxtail, for one).
  24. That is a very serious claim you're making.←
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