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    Ontario, Canada
  1. Under control.............HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
  2. I am going to zap and work small pieces at a time. Afraid of the big stuff, LOL. And did I mantion the cake is just buttercream.........HA HA HA HA HA HA HA I'm just going to add a small amount of gumtrag to what I will be making into the bows.
  3. ok the tiny piece is a little more workable. I added MUCH shortening. Dang this is not going to be fun making drapes and dressmakers bows!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS
  4. ........going to try...........
  5. I might define it as dry not crumbly, definitely not like regular fondant. I added shortening, did nothing. What does zapping it do?
  6. How on earth do yo make this stuff workable??? I need to make drapes with it and I have no idea how to get it from totally disagreeable to workable. Any hints tips suggestions really truely hugely appreciated !!!!!!!!! THANKS!!!! Oh ya I used the Cake Bible recipe...........hmmmmmmmmmmm
  7. I always use parchment circles in between. Chilling cake before removing the parchment is best(for cutting also)
  8. you could do them on tooth picks that can be inserted right into the cake or use flower picks and set the tooth picks or wires into them. For stability fill picks with royal icing.
  9. This would be a good use of red velvet cake LOL
  10. Well that decorator kicks butt!!!!!! OH yes and EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Here is the decorators site: http://www.doitmyself.org/
  11. Now that I have stopped laughing. When I am asked "Is there any special way to cut the cake?" This is just what I tell them. Why is it then that I hear..."Oh we don't have time to chill the cake, will that matter?" Ummmmmmmm.......... why are you asking if you can't follow directions ???????????????
  12. Thank you Patrick for this picture. I was not sure about the height.
  13. Well I know cops eat cake, but I guess Canada is a little far to come. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! OH Please tell me how you got over the fear of getting infront of a camera? I shake like crazy, my heart speeds up and my palms drip sweat every time. I never get used to it.
  14. Does anyone have a better way to take the seeds out of fresh raspberries besides a big strainer and a spoon????? Is there a machine I can buy to do this??? I bought a juicer thinking this would work but...NOT!!!! Any help here really appreciated......oh besides buying them that way!
  15. One of the best demos I've seen, BRAVO, I genuflect at your feet Here's my question...How do you guage servings for this style of cake. I price by servings and get totally confused with this one???
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