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I'm curious... Is this a batch of actual new shows or is this more in the spirit of Series 2, where 90% was re-running the first series and tacking on a re-visit? Not that that won't stop me from watching...
I agree with everything Claudia Greco posted above, but the quote I pulled just nails it. That, right there, is the charm of the show. Sure, the producers may have their grubby little mitts on some of the set-ups, but the experience is pure Bourdain. That's what makes it watchable. That's what makes it fun.
I'd love to know whether the quality of students has improved since the "celebrity chef" bonanza hit. It seems to me that Ramsay might be doing the industry a favor by showing what can happen in a professional kitchen. If a student doesn't think they could handle it, they move on to something else. That might bite the schools in the bottom line, but I'd think they'd benefit from having a higher caliber of student. For me, every time I get the itch to go to culinary school, I just pick up Kitchen Confidentialuntil it passes. Then I cook something...
Priceless... and damn our siblings and our parents for remembering....
This is one of the funniest ones yet... thank you for my morning laugh! ← You're welcome. I hadn't thought about those stories in ages. Yet another reason I adore eG. Mom remembers the story to this day (some 30 years later). Whenever we eat fish together, she puts a bottle of windex on the table as a condiment. ETA: to also thank fifi
Oh my... oh my dear.... You did this on purpose? What did the poor poor food ever do to you? What is it? I'm having trouble identifying anything. Is that celery? Okra?
Someone should have really posted a warning with that link. It scared me... and I like Ramsay.
I wasn't a picky eater as a child, but for some reason I did not like chicken or fish. Something about the texture, I suspect. Anyhoo, my mother and grandmother had to convince me to eat the chicken by telling me it was 'bubblegum-flavored chicken.' My precocious 5 year old self fell for it... once. It most definitely did not taste like bubblegum. However, given that my mother is a well-meaning but horrid cook, it definitely chewed like gum. I got my revenge several years later... Mom had made fish and I absolutely refused to eat it. We argued as only an exasperated mother and an 8 year old can - to the point where I was not allowed to leave the table until I finished my fish. She left the room so I could contemplate my situation and that foul-smelling fish. I defiantly went over to the pantry, pulled out the bottle of windex, and poisoned the entire pan of fish. Then I tattled on myself. I was grounded for a week, but I didn't have to eat that damn fish.
I guess I should be offended, but I'm not. Not one bit. I am a bit older than his target demographic in the article, but I've been making the same argument about my generation since the 80s. (Before the days of Food Network). I'd played with cooking as a kid, but it was really college where necessity won out over hobby. I either had to eat pizza for the rest of my life or teach myself how to cook. Out of my circle of friends, I was the only one who could cook. Anything. They lived on pre-packaged foods, take-out, dorm food... some of my friends probably didn't have a veg their entire time in college. Over time, I did meet other cooking enthusiasts, but we were a rare breed (always popular at the office/lab potlucks). I'd argue that FN had a lot to do with popularizing home cooking in the 90s. At the very least, it brought some of us out of the closet. Of course, it appears that we're backsliding now. A little grocery store reconnaissance demonstrates this easily. Most grocery carts I see are full of pre-packaged "heat-n-eat" crap, canned veggies, and (horror!) pre-cooked processed meats. And most of those carts are pushed around by women 25-45 who are at least 40lbs. overweight. Many have small kids in tow. So, yep. I have to agree with GR based on my own unscientific observations over the last 20 years. Sad, isn't it.
We've seen the funny hat, and now dancing... 2 down, karaoke to go... Great installment overall - good mix of history and culture, great looking food, and lots of fun. Two instances of Tony-torture? Good tv. Ruhlman may be the perfect tv foil for Bourdain, but Zamir seems to be the perfect partner in crime. Impishly wicked sense of humor. Indeed. It looked painful enough, but the sound editors really came through. The previews for the NZ show? Ouch! I'd read about the rollover in a Q&A somewhere, but wow. And ouch.
I can't believe I'm telling you guys this... I had a craving for freshly baked bread. Unfortunately, I didn't know how to bake bread at the time. Easy - I have cookbooks... no problem! Problem. I read 3 or 4 recipes to get the gist of the process, gathered my ingredients, and made 2 lovely perfectly risen loaves of bread dough. I prepped the pans while waiting for the oven to pre-heat to 425 degrees. I recalled that the recipe instructed me to 'butter the pan', so I buttered the pans with... butter! 10 minutes after I popped those babies into the oven, the smoke alarm started howling and smoke was pouring out of the kitchen. My beautiful loaves of bread were reduced to ashy hocky pucks with a doughy center. Not my finest hour.
I was wondering which one was Fear and which one was Loathing... now we know.
really... must I be the first to make a head joke?
To be honest, there's not much in my neck of the woods. But, I'm flirting with the idea of starting one. Granted, Tulsa isn't exactly a bubbling metropolis, but all there is to do here is shop and eat. And the shopping ain't that great Once you get away from the chains, there are some great eats here. I thought about blogging it, but maybe a free broadsheet to start isn't a bad idea. Thoughts? Suggestions?
Finally caught this episode... Not my favorite of the bunch, but you can't beat Bourdain and Ruhlman doing Thompson (unless they're bitch-slapping each other in a thread here). Vegas has never been a destination for me, so I probably over-identified with Bourdain's perspective. Seeing Washington Square in mini form was heartbreaking. I hugged my NYU t-shirt and wept. Maybe it's just me, but I found this more painful than the pig-killing in Malaysia. Interestingly enough, I'd lay odds that Bourdain did too.